Ruling out models of vector dark matter in asymptotically safe quantum gravity

Gustavo P. De Brito*, Astrid Eichhorn, Mads T. Frandsen, Martin Rosenlyst, Mattias E. Thing, Arthur F. Vieira


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The nature of dark matter is a problem with too many potential solutions. We investigate whether a consistent embedding into quantum gravity can decimate the number of solutions to the dark-matter problem. Concretely, we focus on a hidden sector composed of a gauge field and a charged scalar, with gauge group U(1)D or SU(2)D. The gauge field is the dark matter candidate, if the gauge symmetry is broken spontaneously. Phenomenological constraints on the couplings in this model arise from requiring that the correct dark matter relic density is produced via thermal freeze-out and that recent bounds from direct-detection experiments are respected. We find that the consistent embedding into asymptotically safe quantum gravity gives rise to additional constraints on the couplings at the Planck scale, from which we calculate corresponding constraints at low energy scales. We discover that phenomenological constraints cannot be satisfied simultaneously with theoretical constraints from asymptotically safe quantum gravity, ruling out these dark matter models.

TidsskriftPhysical Review D
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2024


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