Personlig profil


Curriculum Vitae

Erik Bjerregaard Pedersen

University address:

Nucleic Acid Center, Department of Physics and Chemistry,
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
Tel. +45 65 50 25 55 Fax +45 66 15 87 80
Email [email protected]

General Certificate: 1964, Th. Langs Gymnasium, Silkeborg, Denmark

University education:

Cand.scient. (M.Sc.) 1970, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Lic.scient. (Ph.D.) 1974, University of Aarhus, with Lektor
S.-O. Lawesson as supervisor

Positions held:

1970-1972, Kandidatstipendiat (Research Assistant) and
1972-1974, Seniorstipendiat (Senior Research Assistant) at Department of Chemistry, University of Aarhus, Denmark
1974, Postdoc at Professor U. Schöllkopf at Universität Göttingen, Germany
1974 - , Lektor (Associate Professor) at Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark – Odense

Awards: 2008 “Industrial Prize” from The Danish Academy of Natural Sciences

Present research: Modified oligonucleotides and Anti-HIV drugs

Publications: More than.300 publications in peer-reviewed journals


Eur. Pat. Appl. (1985), 49 pp. EP 155911
PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 313 pp. WO 2003051901
PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 264 pp. WO 2003052132
PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 274 pp. WO 2003052133
PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 264 pp. WO 2003052134
PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 65 pp. WO 2003057677
PCT Int. Appl. (2005), 31 pp. WO 2005083084
PCT Int. Appl. (2006), 54pp. WO 2006125447
PCT Int. Appl. (2008), 52pp. WO 2008067825


Pedersen, O. S.; Pedersen, E. B. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The NNRTI boom. Antiviral Chem. Chemother. 10, 285-314 (1999).
Pedersen, O. S.; Pedersen, E. B. The flourishing syntheses of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs). Synthesis 2000, 479-495. 
Filichev, V.V.; Pedersen, E.B. DNA–Conjugated Organic Chromophores in DNA Stacking Interactions. Wiley Encyclopedea of Chemical Biology 2008, 1-28, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. T. P. Begley (Author). DOI: 10.1002/9780470048672.wecb654

Major projects:

Enreca 1992-2005. Research capacity building on hepatitis drug discovery in Egypt. (18.8 mio. DKK)
Danish Chemistry Programme 1997-2001. Estalishment of medicinal Chemistry in Odense. (3.5 mio. DKK)
Participating in Nucleic Acid Center under Danish National Research Foundation. 2001-
EU project on microbicides (SHIVA) 2004-2009 (593,730 EUR)
EU Madame Curie training centre on Nucleic Acid Based Drug Design (NAC-DRUG) 2004-2008 (1.65 mio. EUR)
PhD School NAC-DRUG 2005-2011 ( 3 grants, 3.62 mio DKK)


1981-1986 and 1993-1995, member of the board at Department of Chemistry
1983-1985, vice-chairman and 1985-1986 chairman of Department of Chemistry
1985-1989 Member of the board of Section of Organic Chemistry and
1996-1998 member of the board of The Danish Chemical Society;
1989-1992, member of the Faculty Council of Science
2003-2004 Member of Fagligt Forum, STVF
2005-2007 Member of Academic Council, Faculty of Science, SDU
2006- Research Leader for the section of Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry including NMR, MS and pharmacy at Department of Physics and Chemistry.


Biomolecular Chemistry (Lectures in chemistry)
Organic Chemical Separation (Laboratory course)
Physical Organic Chemistry (Lec


Kemisk syntese af nukleinsyrer (DNA/RNA)


Syntese af nye lægemidler mod HIV




Syntese nukleinsyrer (DNA/RNA)


Syntese af nye lægemidler mod HIV





  • Kemi
  • Bioorganisk kemi
  • DNA
  • Kulhydrater
  • Lægemidler
  • Nukleinsyrer
  • Organisk kemi


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