Validation of the "Indication for Use" (INDO) Variable in the Danish National Prescription Registry

Hanin Harbi, Anton Pottegård*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


BACKGROUND: Despite its potential value in register-based pharmacoepidemiologic research, recorded information on "indication for use" (INDO) in the Danish National Prescription Registry has rarely been used, likely because of questions about the variable's validity, which to our knowledge no study has systematically assessed.

METHODS: We extracted data on 80,814 prescriptions from the software systems (PharmaNet and C2) of five Danish community pharmacies filled between 4 and 16 February 2019 and 2020. Using the indication information recorded in the pharmacy software systems as the gold standard, we evaluated the extent and quality of the corresponding information from the Prescription Registry.

RESULTS: Of all prescriptions identified, we captured >99% in the Prescription Registry. The proportion of prescriptions with recorded indication codes in the Prescription Registry was 82% (n = 66,164) but was lower for C2 than PharmaNet. Correcting for the overrepresentation of C2 data in our sample, the estimated proportion of registration was ≈88%. Almost 100% (66,158 of 66,164) of the prescriptions with recorded indication codes in the Prescription Registry had correctly recorded indication codes. Nonspecific indication codes were present in 5.6%-36% of selected drugs and drug classes.

CONCLUSIONS: Prescriptions filled at Danish community pharmacies are accurately captured by the Danish National Prescription Registry, and the recorded information on indication is generally valid and usable in research. However, minor concerns remain about missingness, nonspecific recorded indication codes, and lower validity, and a higher proportion of missingness of recorded indication codes is expected before 2017.A supplementary digital video by the article's co-author, Hanin Harbi, is available at

Original languageEnglish
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)1-6
Publication statusPublished - 1. Jan 2024


  • Humans
  • Drug Prescriptions
  • Registries
  • Pharmacies
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Denmark


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