Makeshift Markets and Grassroots Reponsibilization

Johanna Gollnhofer, Alev Kuruoglu

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Prior research has yielded insights into how market actors generate permanent, institutionalized structures. Investigate the emergence of a temporary marketplace, characterized by flexible socio-material constellations. We draw on ethnographic data collected within a refugee aid initiative, which assembled during the in 2015–2016, and was a response to the failure of institutional structures. We map out a process through which individuals are collectively moved to respond form social networks, and engage in market-making practices. We identify this process as the emergence of a “makeshift” market, and argue that it is a complementary form of institutional work, constituted by a grassroots process of responsibilization. We contribute to the literature on responsibilization and market dynamics by discussing (1) the emergence and decline of temporary and complementary marketplace structures and (2) mapping out a responsibilization process driven by moral outrage at the experiential level.

Original languageEnglish
JournalConsumption Markets & Culture
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)301-322
Publication statusPublished - 4. Jul 2018


  • Makeshift market
  • ethnography
  • grassroots responsibilization
  • institutional theory
  • institutional work
  • refugee crisis


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