Learning Anatomy with Augmented Reality: – learning design and app design for optimal learning

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An Augmented Reality (AR) application was developed to help stu
dents at SDU to learn the
anatomy of the human body (mediastinum). This research project
intended to evaluate whether AR
strengthened the students’ self-efficacy and motivation, improv
ed learning, and provided a good
learning experience.
This study focusses on how AR can
help students to translate tw
o-dimensional into three-
dimensional understanding and ev
aluates formats of the app (the
use of quizzes) together with the
didactic design of the teaching sessions with AR. The objective
s were to examine A. the
effectiveness of using AR on stud
ent’s short, long term, and tr
ansfer learning outcome compared
with traditional teaching, B. the effect of quizzes, and C. app
design in relation to didactic design.
In the AR world students saw a standardized hologram body combi
ned with selected images from a
computed tomography (CT) scan. The CT images were presented at
the proper spatial positions in a
hologram body. The user could se
lect which structures to be sho
wn at the body (e.g. skin, the
vascular system, etc.). They cou
ld approach the body, circumven
t it, study structures in details and
compare the concurrent presentat
ion with the different CT image
During class one group received tr
aditional teaching and two gr
oups studied CT scans in
Augmented Reality. One AR-group complemented the AR app with qu
iz questions and received
corrective feedback. The other AR
group did not use quiz questi
ons but studied content on their
own hand. A teacher was present and ready to help students in a
ll groups.
The aim of this paper is to share lessons learned from this int
ervention and suggest solutions for
app design and learning design t
o facilitate deeper learning pr
ocesses and scaffold learners’ needs
with AR as a learning resource.
Translated title of the contributionLæring af anatomi med Augmented Reality: - optimering af læring gennem læringsdesign og app design
Original languageEnglish
JournalLæring og Medier (LOM)
Issue number20
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 31. Mar 2019

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