Health effects of a 10-wk residential stay for 6-14-yr-olds at the Danish Christmas Seal Homes

Trine Kjeldgaard Tang Møller, Mads Fiil Hjorth, Jan Christian Brønd, Anders Sjödin, Kim Fleischer Michaelsen, Peter Krustrup

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


PURPOSE: To evaluate (1) the short-term effects of a 10-wk residential stay in a Danish Christmas Seal Home (DCSH) on health, physical fitness, physical activity level, cognitive functions, sleep and well-being for 6-14-yr-olds. METHODS: The design is a cross-over design at DCSH level over a two-year period with two intervention groups: A standard group (with the standard programme, SG) and a standard plus group, SG+, including “11 for Health” activities 2x45 min per week. The 11 for Health programme incorporates health education and football exercises, such as passing, shooting, dribbling, etc., and small-sided games (3v3–5v5). The participants are tested before and after the residential stay, as well as 3 and 12 mo. after their stay. The testing battery include Anthropometric measurements (Body weight, height, muscle mass, fat mass), resting heart rate and blood pressure measurements and Physical performance testing (postural balance, horizontal jumping, aerobic fitness and intermittent performance). The project is designed to include 600 participants. RESULTS: The results presented are based on preliminary data pooled for both intervention groups. At present, a total of 273 participants have been tested with baseline and post-10-wk tests. For a mixed group of SG and SG+ participants, total body weight and total fat mass was reduced (p<0.001) by 7.2±5.9 (±SD) and 6.9±3.2 kg, respectively, with no change in lean body mass. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure was reduced (p<0.001) by 4±10 and 6±8 mmHg, respectively. Furthermore, resting heart rate is reduced (p<0.001) by 10±12 bpm and estimated aerobic fitness increased (p<0.001) by 5.7±6.4 mlO2/kg/min. CONCLUSION: A 10-week residential stay at the DCSH have marked effects on important health parameters.The project has received funding from “TrygFonden”, “Helsefonden” and “Augustinusfonden”.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date20. Jan 2020
Publication statusPublished - 20. Jan 2020
EventFootball is medicine Conference 2020 - University of the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Duration: 25. Jan 202026. Jan 2020


ConferenceFootball is medicine Conference 2020
LocationUniversity of the Faroe Islands
Country/TerritoryFaroe Islands


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