From women empowerment to practicing gender diversity: empirical evidence from non-Western contexts

Raushan Aman, Reem Alothmany, Maria Elo, Julie Emontspool

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


The issues of women empowerment and gender equality have gained the increased attention of scholars and policymakers in Western societies. Gender diversity and the professional participation of women are increasingly acknowledged as transversal drivers for economic development. However, in less developed countries, research and evidence are still accumulating. Thus, this study aims to explore actors and factors empowering female talent to work and achieve managerial positions and run their businesses in two countries with patriarchal social and cultural norms, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan. Based on the qualitative interview data collected from fifteen female managers and entrepreneurs working in the healthcare sector, we explore the conditions under which women can start their businesses and get promoted to managerial positions in the organizations. Our findings indicate that individual agencies and structural factors in female talent capacity building and empowering women to achieve higher hierarchical positions in organizations form together important dynamics that foster more inclusive practices and internalized schemes. Furthermore, the findings also demonstrate the importance of female talent empowerment in achieving gender diversity in managerial positions in healthcare organizations. Hence, by stating that increased female talent participation in the upper-echelons of the organization and entrepreneurship contributes to the decent employment of women in countries with male-dominated social and cultural norms and promotes the more inclusive and sustainable economic growth of these countries, our research contributes to United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) # 5.5, #8.5 and #10.2.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDiversity in action : managing diverse talent in global economies
EditorsMarina Latukha
Number of pages39
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing
Publication dateSept 2022
ISBN (Print)9781801172271
ISBN (Electronic)9781801172264, 9781801172288
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


  • gender diversity
  • female talent
  • empowerment
  • patriarchal contexts
  • inclusive economy
  • Kazakhstan
  • Saudi-Arabia


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