Eksistentiel og åndelig omsorgstræning på hospice

Translated title of the contribution: Spiritual Care Training in a Hospice Setting

Dorte Toudal Viftrup*, Hanne Højsager Damgaard, Marianne Nielsen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Background: Spiritual care can improve patients’ physical and emotional well-being, but patients at the end of life often experience that their spiritual needs are not sufficiently met by healthcare professionals.
Object: This study evaluates the effect and experiences of a training course in spiritual care for 30 nurses at a Danish hospice.
Methods: Before-and-after questionnaire and focus-group interviews were applied.
Results: The course focused primarily on the nurses and their personal and collegial reflections on spiritual care, whereas increased spiritual care for patients seemed to be a secondary outcome of the course. There was a significant statistical correlation between the nurses’ values and spirituality, and their confidence in being able to exercise spiritual care for patients.
Conclusion: The training course facilitated spiritual empowerment, collegial spiritual care, and spiritual language among the nurses, which led to increased spiritual care for patients.
Translated title of the contributionSpiritual Care Training in a Hospice Setting
Original languageDanish
JournalKlinisk Sygepleje
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)129-146
Publication statusPublished - 16. May 2024

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