12 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Tóra Róin with the persons below:
Søren Bie Bogh
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of OPEN - Open Patient data Explorative Network (Odense) - Associate Professor
- SDU Climate Cluster - Associate professor
Person: VIP
Birgitte Nørgaard
- Department of Public Health
- User Perspectives and Community-based Interventions - Head of Research, Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Susanne S. Pedersen
- Department of Psychology
- Health and Medical Psychology - Professor
- Danish centre for motivation and behaviour science - Head of Department
Person: TAP, VIP
Tonny Elmose Andersen
- Department of Psychology
- Health and Medical Psychology - Head of unit/Professor
Person: VIP