Research output per year
Research output per year
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Martin Hannibal, PhD
Business Address: Department of Marketing & Management, University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 65503387/ 21770367
Curriculum Vitae at a glance
Martin Hannibal (MH) research centers on internationalization of technology driven SMEs and start-ups. Recently, this has led to increased research focus on sustainability related issues in internationalization of SMEs and new ventures. MH has an interdisciplinary educational background and a broad experience in teaching in diverse disciplinary context at different levels. MH has experience in executive work in connection to higher education institutions, technology intensive businesses, and academic networks. His funding experience is broad, spanning from direct industrial funding from partner firms to European funding frameworks such as Horizon Europe. As head of research of the International Business & Entrepreneurship research unit, MH has extensive experience in peer reviewing and evaluation in onboarding activities at the departmental level but also through international peer community evaluations. In addition to this, MH holds strong capabilities in developing research strategies and perform sustained research leadership in relation to such strategies. MH is acting reviewer at several top-level outlets such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and Entrepreneurship & Regional Development and has developed a wide active international network which is particularly strong in the in the Nordic region. This networking activity is supported through participation in key international academic networks such as EIBA, AIB, The McGill conference, and EMAC.
Academic Degrees
2012: PhD in Business Administration, Department of Marketing & Management, SDU
2005: Master's Degree in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Religion, & Pedagogy, SDU
2003: Minor in Social Science, Department of Social Science, SDU
Professional Appointments
2016-present: Head of Research, International Business and Entrepreneurship (IBE), Department of Business & Management (DBM), SDU
2016-present: Associate Professor, Department of Business & Management, SDU
2012-2016: Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing & Management, SDU
2008-2012: PhD Student, Department of Marketing & Management, SDU
2005-2008: Research Assistant, Department of Marketing & Management, SDU
2005: Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science & Public Management, and DBM, SDU
2002-2006: Part-time Lecture at University College Lillebaelt, Nursing School Vejle
1994-1996: Industrial Carpenter, Ansø A/S, Vejle
2020: Research Management, Research management for research leaders, CBS - Executive
2018: Research Leadership, På vej mod ny ledelse, leadership communication, motivation and strategy development, SDU-BSS and SDU-HR development
2018: PhD Supervision - process, methods and tools, mentor roles and talent management, SDU Center for Teaching and Learning
2018: GDPR E-learning course, GDPR at SDU, SDU IT-service
2017: Leadership Development, development and implementation of research strategy and development of leadership competencies, Mobilize/SDU-HR development
2016: Project management for researchers, application, management and leadership of large externally funded projects, SDU-HR development
Editorship, Board Memberships, and Committees
2023: Special Issue Editor EJIM - International Entrepreneurship, ed. Hannibal, Sanchez, & Elo
2022-present: Expert evaluator, EU commission; Industry 4.0, Changing value chains, and Internationalization of SMEs and new ventures
2021: Special Issue Editor Sustainability - International Entrepreneurship, ed. Servais & Hannibal
2021-2022: Odin team member,; Identification of future business areas; Strategic advisory
2020-present: Organizer (Tovholder) SDU-BSS research, head of research network; Inspirational workshops, topical speakers, and social networking
2020-present: Board Member, University Press of Southern Denmark; Strategic advisory
2020-present: Co-writer, HEU reference group cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment
2019-present: Thought Leader, Public Intelligence; Strategic advisor and exploration of the future of digital health
2018-present: Co-writer, HEU reference group cluster 4: Digitalization, Industry, & Space
2018-present: Co-writer, HEU reference group cluster 1: Health
2018-present: Mentor, Submariner Accelerator; Industry-university forum to support and development of technology-based sustainable start-up businesses; Mentor and advisory
2016: RIO workgroup, SDU; Developmental work of university - industry bridging organization
2015-2017: Uddannelseskomiteen, Samfundsvidenskabeligt Fakultet; Advisory on faculty educational portfolio
2013-2016: Department Council, Department of Marketing & Management; Strategic advisory of Dep.
2013-2014: Assistant Editor, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Desk reviewing
2010-2015: Evaluator and Judge, Venture Cup - National start-up competition
Funding and Project Experience
2022-2025: Country coordinator, work package responsible, and member of the coordinating team, EU Erasmus+ – alliance for innovation, ARIES4 – development of SME sustainability competences (€480.000 + €70.000 to industrial partner, full project: €1.700.000)
2022-2023: International mentor and host, Finnish Cultural foundation, Post.doc. Teemu Tuomisalo (€33.000)
2021-2022: International host, Foundation for Economic Education, Post.doc Teemu Tuomisalo (€30.000)
2020-2021: Work package responsible, Go-Jelly, Horizon 2020 - Blue Growth, Commercialization potential of jellyfish-based products (€40.000 + €30.000)
2019: International collaborator, Finnish foundation for Economic Education (LSR), Business models in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, PI: Olli Kuvallainen, (€50.000)
2018-2019: Principal investigator, Scandinavian Avionics – Development of customer networks in dynamic emerging industry settings to advance SA’s core business. (€90.000)
2018-2019: Work package responsible, EU strukturfonden, HumanFiT, Data gathering and exploration of business model for technology-based health firms in an industry 4.0 context. (€100.000)
2018-2021: Partner, Dansk AM-hub, Screening of Danish manufacturing firms’ Additive manufacturing readiness, Data gathering, analysis, and Author in final report. (€135.000)
2017-2019: Work package responsible, SDU lighthouse (Drones); The Path to Firm Growth in Drone Eco-Systems, Explore the interplay between entrepreneurial intent and expert users’ competencies, (Total budget: €180.000)
2016: FSE-research stays abroad, Willamette University, host: Gary Knight, project title: The role of 3D-printing technology in international entrepreneurship (€20.000)
2013-2017: Associated partner, PACE – Promoting a Culture of Entrepreneurship (FSE – research funds), data gathering via think aloud protocol in four countries and subsequent data analysis. (€35.000),
2009: Recipient of Tuborg’s national and annual business research scholarship (€20.000)
2008-2010: Research Assistant, M – Commerce, Coordinating data gathering and assisting in the analysis of data. Drawing out case descriptions and planning workshops for participant firms.
2007-2008: Research Assistant, Born Global; Coordination and collection of data, workshop planning for participant born global firms
2007: Research Assistant, DCX – Esbjerg; Collection of qualitative data. Author in final report
2006-2007: Research Assistant, Ny – Nyborg Kommune; Coordination of data gathering, planned and carried out several workshops with relevant stakeholders. Author of two reports based on the data (€100.000)
Review Experience (selected)
2020-present: European Journal of International Management
2018-present: Journal of International Business Studies
2018-present: International Small Business Management
2018-present: International Business Review
2018-present: Journal of World Business
2018-present: British Journal of Management
2015-present: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
2014-present: Journal of International Marketing
2012-present: Journal of International Entrepreneurship
2012-present: International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behaviour & Research
Academic Awards and Honors
2019: Recognition for phenomenal and worthy plenary presentation, title: Additive manufacturing in the manufacturing industry - use, development and potentals, 3rd international conference on 3D Printing Technologies and Innovations
2009: Recipient of Tuborg’s national and annual business research scholarship (€20.000)
2008: “Outstanding research paper” Hannibal, Martin & Erik S. Rasmussen (2009) ”From E to M-commerce: Image Spill-Over Effect of M-.Applications: The Case of a Danish Mall” pub-lished in The E-business Review Vol. IX, 2009
Peer Evaluation
PhD – dissertation 2022: Lappeenranta University of Technology, Member of evaluation committee, Luke Treves, The influence Internet of Things on Business models and their Innovation
PhD 2022: SDU, On boarding DBM; evaluation of 40+ IBE specific applicants for shortlisting and subsequent job interviewing
Associate Professor 2021: SDU, On boarding IBE; evaluation of 40+ applicants for shortlisting and subsequent job interviewing
PhD – dissertation 2021:, Lappeenranta University of Technology, member of evaluation Committee, Hannes Velt, Industrial ecosystems - Green technology start-ups
Department Chair 2021: SDU, On boarding DBM; Evaluation of applicants and subsequent job interviewing
Assistant Professor 2021: SDU, On boarding CI2M; evaluation of shortlisted and subsequent interviewing
PhD – dissertation 2020: Linnæus University, Member mid-term evaluation committee, Pär Vasco, Stewardship in collaborative business projects
PhD – dissertation 2020: Linnæus University, Member mid-term evaluation committee, Heidi Thornton, Business modelling platforms
Research Assistant 2020: SDU, On boarding DBM, evaluation of 30+ applicants and subsequent job interviewing
Assistant Professor 2020: SDU, On boarding IBE, evaluation of 30+ applicants for shortlisting and interviewing
Assistant Professor 2020: SDU, On boarding CCC, evaluation of shortlisted and subsequent interviewing
Part-time Professor 2018: SDU, On boarding IBE, Chair evaluation committee, 10+ applicants
Research Assistant 2018: SDU, On boarding DBM; evaluation of 30+ applicants and subsequent job interviewing
Department Chair 2018: SDU, On boarding DBM; Evaluation of applicants and subsequent job interviewing
Associate Professor 2018: SDU, On boarding IBE; evaluation of 40+ applicants for shortlisting and interviewing
PhD 2018: SDU, On boarding IBE; evaluation of 20+ applicants and subsequent job interviewing
PhD – Dissertation 2017: Aalborg University, Member evaluation committee, Steffen Ernø, Entrepreneurship Education
Honorary Professor 2017: SDU, Evaluation and inauguration of Professor Tamer Cavusgil
Assistant Professor 2016: SDU, On boarding IBE; evaluation of 40+ applicants for shortlisting and interviewing
PhD 2016: SDU, On boarding IBE; evaluation of 20+ applicants and subsequent job interviewing
Press / Media
2023: Bæredygtighed i fynske virksomheder, Regional Nyhederne, TV2 Fyn
2023: Overskuddet stiger: Unisats ApS i Odense M tjente flere penge i seneste regnskabsår, Fyens.
2022: Ikke så højt som sidst: Nedgang i overskuddet i Odense M-virksomheden Unisats ApS, Fyens.
2020: Fremtidens markeder skabes af virksomheder og forskere i fællesskab, Kronik, Erhverv+ Fyn.
2018: 3D-print: Hype eller potentiale?, Erhverv+ Fyn.
2013: Netværk gør en forskel, Kronik, Fyens Stifttidende.
2006: Hvad forbinder du med Ny Nyborg?,
Industry Reports
2019: Mogensen, Pernille Juhl & Martin Hannibal, HumanFit: IoT Lab Business Model
2019: Mogensen, Pernille Juhl & Martin Hannibal, HumanFit: Overview of The Best Business Model Tools
2019: Mogensen, Pernille Juhl & Martin Hannibal, HumanFit: Business Model Literature Review: Relations to IoT-technologies in the Health Care Sector
2018 Blichfeldt, Henrik, Mette Præst Kundsen, Martin Hannibal, Ian Stampe, Udbredelsen af 3d print og additive manufacturing i dansk industri: resultaterne af den danske screening 2018, Dansk AMHub
2007: Hannibal, Martin, Andreas Eriksen, & Tage Koed Madsen, Rekruttering- og opkvalificeringsprojekt for Danish Crown i Esbjerg [Recruitment and Qualification project for Danish Crown Esbjerg], Department of Marketing & Management, University of Southern Denmark
2007: Hannibal, Martin & Per Østergaard, Nyborg Kommune - Når tre bliver til én [The Municipality of Nyborg - When three become one], Brand Base, University of Southern Denmark
2007: Hannibal, Martin & Per Østergaard, Nyborg Kommune - Visioner for fremtiden [The Municipality of Nyborg - Visions for the future], Brand Base University of Southern Denmark
Supervision of Students
Past: 5 PhD Students, 9 MBA theses, 100+ master theses and 100+ bachelor projects
Present: 1 PhD Student, 2 MBA theses, 4 master theses and 2 bachelor projects
2020-present: International Strategic Partnerships, MSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, teacher
2020-2022: Cross Cultural Management, BSc Engineering - Product Development & Innovation, SDU, course responsible
2020-2022: Global Entrepreneurship, MSc Engineering - Product Development & Innovation, SDU, course responsible
2020-2022: New Business Establishment, MSc Engerineering - Product Development & Innovation, SDU, course responsible
2016-present: Thesis Coordinatior, International Business
2013-2018: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, BSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, course responsible
2012-2020: International Market Relations, MSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, course responsible
2012-2020: Globalization & Entrepreneurship 3, MSc Engineering - Product Development and Innovation, SDU, teacher and course responsible
2012-2020: Globalization & Entrepreneurship 1, MSc Engineering - Product Development and Innovation, SDU, teacher and course responsible
2012-2019: Markets and Behavior, BSc Engineering - Product Development & Innovation, SDU, teacher and course responsible
2012-2018: HA - International Business, BSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, profile responsible
2012-2017: Bachelor Project Coordinatior, International Business, SDU
2012-2016: Entreprenørskab og Forretningsforståelse, BSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, teacher and course responsible
2011-2016: International Entrepreneruship, MSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU, teacher and course responsible
2009: Introduktion til Marketing, MBA i redaktionel ledelse, SDU, teacher
2007-2009: Organisationskommunikation II, BSc Media Science, SDU
2007-2009: Introduktion til Erhvervsøkonomisk metode II, Bsc - minor subject, Marketing Branding & Communication, SDU
2007-2009: Introduktion til Erhvervsøkonomisk metode I, Bsc - minor subject, Marketing Branding & Communication, SDU
2007-2009: Media Sociology II, BSc Journalism, SDU
2005-2007: Organisationskommunikation I, BSc Media Science, SDU
2006: Marketing & Culture, MSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU
2006: Markedsanalyse og videnskabelig metode, MA Business, Language, and Culture (Negot), SDU
2005-2006: Markedskommunikation, MSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU
2005-2006: Sociology, BSc Journalism & Business, Language, and Culture (Negot), SDU
2005-2006: Medie- og Kultur Historie, BSc Media Science, SDU
2005: Media Sociology, MSc Journalism, SDU
2005-2006: HA-rapport II, videnskabelig metode, BSc Economics and Business Administration, SDU
2005-2006: Videns- og Mediesociologi (BF05), MSc in Biology, SDU
2003-2006: Videnskabelig metode II, UCL, Nursing School, Vejle
2002-2006: Videnskabelig metode I, UCL, Nursing School, Vejle
International Research Stays
2020: Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, hosted by Lasse Torkkeli
2018: Willamette University, Portland, OR, USA, hosted by Gary Knight
2016: Willamette University, Portland, OR, USA, hosted by Gary Knight
2015: Nantes School of Business, Nantes, France, Sophie Delaporte
2010: Darden School of Business, Charlottesville, VA, USA, hosted by Saras Saravathy
Conference Attendances (selected)
2013: EFMD conference (1th)
2011-2023: AIB - Academy of International Business world conference, presenter
2012-2019: McGill International Entrepreneurship conference
2010-2022: EIBA annual conference
2009-2010: AOM annual meeting
2009-2011: EURAM annual conference
2008-2017: RENT XXII conference
2008-2013: International CINet conference
2008-2011: ICSB world conference
Host of peers (selected)
2023: Maria Uzhegova, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
2022: Chao Zhang, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
2021: Pierre-Louis Meuric, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc
2021: Roberto Falcao, Univerisdade Unigranrio, Brazil
2019: Maria Uzhegova, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
2019: Annaele Herve, University of Lorraine, France
2019: Satu Korhonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology
2019: Gary Knight, Willamette University, OR, USA
2019: Nikolina Koporsic, Aalto University , Finland
2018: Lasse Torkkeli, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
2018: Nick Williams, University of Leeds, UK
2017: Satu Korhonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology
2017: Christopher Schlägel, Maastrict University, The Netherlands
2017: Maria Uzhegova, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Larsen, Nathalie, Hannibal Martin & Evers Natasha (2023) “Social Enterprises and B2B Relationships: Towards a Typology”, in The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Society eds. Krzysztof Kubacki, Lukas Parker, Christine Domegan, & Linda Brennan, Routhledge, New York.
*Ivanova-Gongne, M. Torkkeli, L., Hannibal, M., Uzhegova, M., Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Dziubaiuk, O. &Kulkov, I. (2022) “Cultural sensemaking of corporate social responsibility: A dyadic view of Russian–Finnish business relationships”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 101, February, pp153-164
Jørgensen, O.H. & Hannibal, M. (2022) “My city, my love – Philanthropic investments as measure to change a contested city image and improve sense of place and city pride”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Vol. xx, pp. xx
Hannibal, M. (2022) “Foreword”, in The International Dimension of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making - Cultures, Contexts, and Behaviours, eds. Andreas Caputo, Massimiliano M. Pellegrini, Marina Dabic, & Leo-Paul Dana, Springer
Hannibal, M. & Koed Madsen, T. (2021) “Entrepreneurial exporters”, in World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, ed. Dana L-P. Edward Elgar online.
Larsen, N. & Hannibal, M. (2021) “International Social Ventures: A literature review and guidance for future research”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 19, pp223-255
*Hannibal, M. (2020) “The influence of additive manufacturing on early internationalization: considerations into potential avenues of IE research”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship Vol. 18, pp473-491
*Hannibal, M. & Knight, G. (2018) “Additive manufacturing and the global factory: Disruptive technologies and the location of international business”, International Business Review Vol. 27, issue 6, pp1116-1127
Ulrik B. Nielsen, Martin Hannibal, Nathalie N. Larsen, (2018) “Reviewing emerging markets: context, concepts and future research”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 13, Issue 6, pp.1679-1698
*Hannibal, M. (2017) Enacted identities in the university spin-off process—bridging an imaginative gap, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15, pp239-265.
*Hannibal, M. Evers, N. & Servais, P. (2016) “Opportunity recognition and international new venture creation in university spin-offs—Cases from Denmark and Ireland”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, vol. 14, pp345-372.
Steffen Farny, Signe Hedeboe Frederiksen, Martin Hannibal & Sally Jones (2016) “A CULTure of entrepreneurship education”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 28, issue 7-8, pp514-535. (BFI 2)
Hannibal, Martin & Erik S. Rasmussen (2014) “Digital entrepreneurship in a traditional production firm: A longitudinal case study”, International Journal of E-services and Mobile Applications, vol. 6, issue 3 pp49-68. (BFI 1)
Aagaard , Anna Beth, Pernille Eskerod, Martin Hannibal, Jens Koed Madsen, Tage Koed Madsen, Bent Pedersen & Stephen Rosenbaum (2013) Organisering og Ledelse af Multi-partner projekter. En undersøgelse blandt rådgivende ingeniører. Vækst og Forretningsudvikling, vol. 5, Børsens Ledelses Håndbøger
*Evers, Natasha, Svante Andersson & Martin Hannibal (2012) “Stakeholders and Marketing Capabilities in International New Ventures: Evidence from Ireland, Sweden, and Denmark”, Journal of International Marketing, vol. 20, issue 4, pp46-71. (BFI 2)
Hannibal, Martin (2012) “Exploring Inventor-founder’s sense-making dynamics – a case study of six Danish University spin-offs”, PhD thesis, Department of Marketing & Management, University of Southern Denmark.
Arbuthnott, Andrew, Martin Hannibal & Mikael Nybacka (2011) “Renewing industry cluster development via interregional industry-university”, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 3, issue 6, pp604-631. (BFI 1)
Rasmussen; Erik S. Martin Hannibal, Rene T. Lydriksen & Per Servais (2011) Sub-suppliers in the life science industry – The case of Danish Spin-offs, in Jones, Marion, Colion Wheeler & Pavlos Dimitratos eds. International entrepreneurship in the life science industries, Edward Elgar, CHeltenham, UK, pp159-174
Jørgensen, Frances, Ulhøi, John P., Knudsen, Martin Hannibal & Rasmussen, Erik S. (2010), ”Netværksetableringens betydning for SMV'eres innovationsevne: Eksemplificeret ved m-commercesektoren”, I Ulhøi, John P. (red.), Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger. Innovations- og forandringsledelse., Børsen Forum A/S, København, pp1-18
Hannibal, Martin & Erik S. Rasmussen (2009) ”SME’s Alliance Dynamics in the Mobile Industry”, International Business and Economic Review Vol. I, Issue 1, pp55-68.
Manuscripts in preparation
Tuomisalo, Teemu & Martin Hannibal 202x “The evolution of entrepreneurial opportunity: the case of a Finnish start-up in the telecom industry”, R&R Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Hannibal, Martin & Maria Uzhegova 202x “Responsible Business Practice in internationalizing SMEs: exploring avenues of integrative research”, submitted to Journal of World Business
Hannibal, Martin & Gary Knight 202x “Additive Manufacturing and Reconfiguration of the Global Manufacturing Ecosystem”, Submitted to Asian Pacific Management Journal
Nielsen, Ulrik B. & Martin Hannibal 202x “Doing business in the emerging medical cannabis industry: contexts, concepts, and paradoxes for future research”, submitted to Journal of international Marketing
Hannibal, Martin & Aleksandar Kolev, “Exploring determinants of market demand for jellyfish-based commercial products among Danish and German consumers: An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior”, in preparation to European Journal of Marketing
Hannibal, Martin, Christina Dahl, & Julie Emontspool, 202x “Teaching cases in International Entrepreneurship in the emerging jellyfish industry”, in International Entrepreneurship ed. Dana, Hisrish & Ramadani, Sage handbook. In preparation
Externally funded projects in preparation
Hannibal, Martin & NN 2024-2027 Internet of Things business modeling in the global healthcare industry, Aim: extend theoretical landscape of IoT business modeling, Motive: Sparse theoretical insights on IoT impact on internationalization of firms. Stage: current application needs to be reviewed, Framework: DFF (2nd time), Amount: €200.000 plus overhead
Hannibal, Martin, Ulrik B. Nielsen, & Post. Doc. NN 2024-2026, Alliances in the medical cannabis industrial ecosystem, Aim: explore the developing alliances in the emerging medical cannabis industry to attain insight on elements for sustained competitive advantage, Motive: strengthen the regional industrial strong point on medical cannabis. Stage: Still need more funding partner, project description in circulation, Framework: Regional industrial partners, Amount: €180.000.
Hannibal; Martin, Julie Emontspool, Cristiano Smianotto, 2024-2026, A research plat form for exploring sustainable global value chains. Aim: Create a interdisciplinary research platform to achieving insights on sustainability throughout the global value chain, Motive: There is a need of joining forces across business disciplines to research the impact of demand of and implementation of firms’ sustainability efforts, Framework: HS-NOS (SWEfunds) €50.000, DBM €5000, SMV Denmark, etc.
Hannibal, Martin, Peter Julius, Junior co-worker from Public Intelligence (PI) & Post. Doc. NN. 2025-2028 Internationalizing IoT health services, Aim: Explore the internationalization potential of IoT health services and achieve insights on entry modes in relation to diverse markets, Motive: Nordic health service firms have strong internationalization potential which needs to be explored to support sustained growth and global competitive advantage, Framework: PI €300.000, Named anonymous international partner firm €300.000, DBM €100.000.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journal › Paper › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journal › Paper › Research › peer-review
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Article in proceedings › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Freytag, P. V. (Chairman), Munksgaard, K. B. (Organizer), Clarke, A. H. (Organizer), Hjalager, A.-M. (Participant), Kjeldgaard, D. (Organizer), Bajde, D. (Organizer), Askegaard, S. T. (Organizer) & Hannibal, M. (Organizer)
Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Elo, M. (Editor), Martin-Sanchez, V. (Peer reviewer), Hannibal, M. (Peer reviewer) & Dana, L.-P. (Peer reviewer)
Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Editor of research journal › Research
Elo, M. (Editor), Hannibal, M. (Editor), Martin-Sanchez, V. (Editor) & Dana, L.-P. (Editor)
Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Editor of research journal › Research
Hannibal, M. (Panel member)
Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
Hannibal, M. (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Emontspool, J. (Project participant), Hannibal, M. (Project participant) & Kristensen, M. L. (Project participant)
01/06/2022 → 01/05/2025
Project: EU
Hannibal, M. (Project participant)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Hannibal, M. (Project manager), Emontspool, J. (Project participant) & Dahl, C. E. (Project participant)
01/03/2021 → 01/01/2022
Project: EU
Mogensen, P. J. (Coordinator) & Hannibal, M. (Head coordinator)
01/08/2018 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Hannibal, M. (PI)
01/12/2018 → 31/10/2019
Project: Research
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Hannibal, M. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Hannibal, M. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions
Hannibal, M. 01/09/2018 → 31/01/2023 |
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Mogensen, P. J. & Hannibal, M. 01/09/2020 → 31/10/2020 |
Course: Teaching
Hannibal, M. & Mogensen, P. J. 01/09/2018 → 31/01/2019 |
Course: Teaching