Stuck between youth and family life – an identification of adolescents' experiences and needs during their mother’s course of breast cancer

Anne Katrine Søby, Christina Maar Andersen, Aida Hougaard Andersen, Peer Michael Christiansen, Kirsten Kaya Roessler

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceForskning


Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among women. The acute crisis and uncertainty that follow diagnosis put the family at risk of exhaustion and dysfunction. Adolescents have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group of relatives. However, our knowledge is sparse on adolescents’ experiences of their mother’s breast cancer trajectory and how they can be supported. The aims of this PhD project are to i) uncover adolescents’ experiences and needs during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory, (ii) suggest an intervention to support adolescents during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory, and (iii) disseminate the results to breast surgical departments in Denmark. Method: This is examined through i) a systematic review of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research on adolescents' (11-21 years) needs for information and psycho-social support during their mothers’ breast cancer trajectory, ii) individual semi-structured phenomenological interviews with eleven adolescents (aged 13-18) three times during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory, and iii) a workshop with six of the participating adolescents focused on suggesting an intervention to support adolescents during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory. Preliminary findings: Adolescents experience: i) fear of losing their mother, ii) emotional isolation, and iii) a lack of information during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory. Adolescents requested more information about their mother’s breast cancer trajectory and experienced the interviews and workshop as supportive. Preliminary conclusions: Encounter groups may support adolescents during their mother’s breast cancer trajectory. Aiding parents in how to inform and support adolescents will indirectly support adolescents. Adolescents from families with poor functioning may need extra support.
Publikationsdato11. maj 2023
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 11. maj 2023
BegivenhedPsyko-onkologisk Internat (DPOC) - Vejle Center Hotel, Vejle, Danmark
Varighed: 11. maj 202312. maj 2023


KonferencePsyko-onkologisk Internat (DPOC)
LokationVejle Center Hotel
