Repeated depolarizations by high potassium increase releasable and total dopamine content of control and MPP+-treated organotypic cultures of fetal mouse ventral mesencehalon

Trine Rennebod Larsen, Sine Rossen, Jan Bert Gramsbergen

Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskning

Titel  Abstract Viewer/Itinary Planner. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA: Program No. 897.7. 2005.
StatusUdgivet - 2005
BegivenhedRepeated depolarizations by high potassium increase releasable and total dopamine content of control and MPP+-treated organotypic cultures of fetal mouse ventral mesencehalon -
Varighed: 24. aug. 2010 → …


KonferenceRepeated depolarizations by high potassium increase releasable and total dopamine content of control and MPP+-treated organotypic cultures of fetal mouse ventral mesencehalon
Periode24/08/2010 → …
