Large Epiphrenic Diverticulum with Perforation and Leakage below the Diaphragm: A Case Report

Bidragets oversatte titel: Stort epiphrenisk divertikel med perforation subdiafragmalt: En kasuistik

Majken Munk Brønserud, Anne-Sofie Brenøe, Jens Eckardt

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We present a rare case of an epiphrenic esophageal diverticulum, complicated by
perforation and leakage below the diaphragm in a 57-year-old male patient. The patient was referred to the emergency department with suspected aspiration pneumonia. A thoracoabdominal computed tomography with oral contrast revealed contrast leakage near the minor curvature of the stomach. The following esophagogastroduodenoscopy demonstrated a giant dilatation of the esophagus, as well as a second esophageal lumen originating 25 cm from the incisors. The “false” lumen of the esophagus was located parallel to esophagus, ending blindly in a perforation below the diaphragm. The clinical presentation and the patient’s age make it most likely, that it was a long epiphrenic diverticulum of pulsion type. The patient was treated conservatively, discharged after 10 days and has been followed in our outpatient clinic for 8 months, until he died of aggressive pulmonary cancer.
Bidragets oversatte titelStort epiphrenisk divertikel med perforation subdiafragmalt: En kasuistik
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Vol/bindVol. 2015 (2015)
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 24. jul. 2015


  • Epiphrenic diverticulum
  • pulsion diverticulum
  • esophageal perforation
  • achalasia
