Education, Innovation and Collaboration in an Era of Change: Educational Development through Equity, Co-responsibility and Democracy

Bjørn Ribers* (Redaktør), Gitte Miller Balslev (Redaktør), Christine Revsbech (Redaktør), Peter Henrik Raae (Redaktør)


Publikation: Bog/rapportAntologiForskningpeer review


Under contract with Routledge. This edited volume explores and develops ideas of education that meet contemporary transnational demands towards workforce learning, but strongly argue that these need to be supplemented with ethical and social dimensions of professional development that stress the responsibility for the common good. Through recent decades, discussions on the development of education and teaching have been based on assumptions that the future will hold a market induced pressure for innovative workforce learning and collaboration in self-managing teams. Thus, there is a call for development of and research in education which promote ethics in innovation, social sustainability, and professional collaboration through problem-oriented methods and networked approaches. This proposed volume argues that there is a need to transcend a purely utilitarian approach to education with awareness of interconnectedness. The relevance of this contribution is heightened by current perceptions of sustainability which combine market, environmental, and social dimensions and call for values-based leadership. This edited collection of chapters will be written by distinguished researchers, who are all experts in their field, in three parts: 1) professional development through innovative education; 2) educational networks and educational leadership; and 3) educational development through equity, co-responsibility, and democracy.
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2025
NavnRoutledge Research in Teacher Education


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