Audio stories: I speak in many voices

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In the podcast Kan man tilgive en psykopat? (Can you forgive a psychopath?), the listeners get into bed and on stage with stand-up comedian Geo. First and foremost, though, they overhear him having a conversation about a cassette tape which makes him lose his composure. The podcast is told not just in words, but also in voices, reverb, sounds and music. Taking Geo’s podcast as our starting point, in this chapter we explore how audio stories make it possible to create gripping first-person narrators who are complex and nuanced but nevertheless easy and immediate to understand.
TitelWhat am I doing here? : A guide to first-person journalism
RedaktørerSteffen Moestrup, Jesper Gaarskjær, Gitte Luk
Publikationsdatoaug. 2024
ISBN (Elektronisk)9788759344125
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2024

Bibliografisk note

This is a translated and revised version of a book chapter that was originally published in Danish in 2022.


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