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Curriculum Vitae
Thomas Schøtt January 2013
University of Southern Denmark
Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management
Engstien 1, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
Email [email protected]
Skype Thomas.GEM
Interests in teaching, research and consulting
Entrepreneurship and network organization in Denmark and other countries.
1986-1988 Postdoctoral training in organizational research, Yale University, New Haven.
1981-1986 Graduate studies in sociology and statistics, Columbia University, New Haven.
1976-1981 Studies in history and sociology of science, University of Aarhus and Hebrew University.
1971-1976 Studies in mathematics and physics, University of Aarhus.
1986 Ph.D. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York. Dissertation: Models of social relations:
international and interpersonal influence in science; mathematics in Denmark and Israel.
1985 M.A. in Statistics, Columbia University, New York.
1982 M.A. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York.
1979 Cand.scient. [M.Sc.] in Mathematics and Physics, University of Aarhus.
Thesis: Fundamental research in small countries: mathematics in Denmark, 1928-1977.
2011-date Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organization, University of Southern Denmark,
Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management.
2010-date Professor of Entrepreneurship (adjunct), Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship.
2004-date Leader of Team-Denmark for Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM.
2004-2010 Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark,
Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management.
1994-2005 Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Sociology.
1988-1994 Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Sociology.
1986-1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, New Haven.
2009,2010 Visiting Professor, Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship.
2008 Visiting researcher, spring, University of Pittsburgh.
1994-2004 Visiting researcher, summers, University of Southern Denmark.
2000,2004 Faculty-member, Semester at Sea voyages.
1981-1986 Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellowship and other fellowships, Columbia University, New York.
1983 Robert J. Levin Prize in Sociology, Columbia University, New York.
1981-1986 Fulbright Travel Grant.
1977-1978 Visiting student scholarship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Research projects supported by grants awarded by foundations.
2012-date Collaborative research on entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa.
£ ca 50.000 Funded by grants from Global Entrepreneurship Research Association and Danida.
2011-date Entrepreneurs’ networking in the Middle East and North Africa.
kr ca.1 mill. Funded by the Canadian agency International Development Research Centre.
2005-date Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, annual Danish research-study.
kr½-1 mill/y Supported in 2011-12 by the Danish Industry Foundation, Industriens Fond,
and in 2012 by Etnisk Erhvervsfremme (agency for ethnic entrepreneurship).
2009-2011 Entrepreneurship in Denmark (Vejle) and Germany (Neumünster).
kr 100000 Survey supported by a grant from the European Union Regional Development Fund.
2008-2010 Entrepreneurship in the rural districts around Vejle. Supported by European Union
kr 144000 Social Fund.
2008-2010 Entrepreneurship in the South Denmark Region. Supported by the region and the
kr 350000 regional public advisory services for growth-entrepreneurship.
2006-2007 Panel studies of entrepreneurs. Supported by grants from the International Danish
kr 300000 Entrepreneurship Academy and funds from EBST.
2006-2007 Entrepreneurs’ demand for advising. Supported by research grants from
kr 500000 Iværkcenter, Vejle Amt, and the EU Social Fund.
2005-2006 The advisory system in entrepreneurship in Denmark. Supported by a research grant
kr 400000 from the International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy.
1999-2003 Networks in the Economic Elite in Denmark.
kr 100000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Power and Democracy Program in Denmark
1994-1999 Scientific Research and Technological Invention in Denmark since the 1960s.
kr 400000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Danish Social Science Research Council.
1994-1997 International Collegial Ties in Science: U.S. in Comparative Perspective.
$ 85000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in USA.
1992-1995 International Technological Inventive Activity and the U.S. Position.
$ 101149 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in USA.
1992-1994 Science in Brazil: Comparisons with the Rest of Latin America and Israel.
$ 10000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Brazil.
1989-1994 Cooperation in Systems of Services for the Mentally Ill.
$ 196952 Supported by a FIRST Award awarded by the National Institute of Mental Health in USA.
1991-1992 Science in Sweden: Integration in Nordic, European and American Environments.
$ 3000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Institute for Futures Studies in Sweden.
1989-1991 Centers and Peripheries in Science and the International Diffusion of Ideas.
$ 35750 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in the USA.
1979-1986 Fundamental Research in Small Countries: Mathematics in Denmark and Israel.
$ 60000 Supported by research grants awarded by national research councils in Denmark and Israel.
Research supported by small grants awarded by the University of Pittsburgh.
1995 Science in Cuba: A Survey of Scientists in Cuba,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.
1993 Organization of Science in People's Republic of China and Hong Kong,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.
1992 Latin American Participation in the World System of Technological Invention,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.
1992 Asian Participation in the Global System of Technological Inventive Activity,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.
1991-92 International Integration in Science: Czechoslovak Scientists' Changing Ties,
supported by research grant awarded by the Center for Russian and East European Studies
1991-92 Science and Global Development,
supported by a research grant awarded by the University’s Research Development Fund.
1991-92 Organization of Science in Bangladesh, Greece, India and Israel,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
1990-91 Periphery-Center Relations in Science: Brazilian Scientists' Ties,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.
1990-91 Organization of Scientific Research in Japan and Indonesia,
supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.
1990-91 Scientific Communication in the United States and the Soviet Union,
supported by a research grant awarded by the University’s Office of Research.
Teaching projects supported by grants.
1998 U.of Pitt. Chancellor’s Fellowship for participating in faculty seminar on diversity and
for developing curriculum materials emphasizing diversity among students and others.
1998 Curriculum Development Grant awarded by College of Arts and Sciences for developing
computing assignments for courses on Societies and Science in Society and other courses
1994-96 Training Grant awarded by the National Science Foundation's Ethics and Values in
Science Program to support studies of Collegial Circles of Women and Men in Science.
1993-95 Training Grant awarded by the National Science Foundation's Sociology Program to
provide Research Experience for Undergraduates by guiding Research Trainees.
1995 Grant from U.S. Department of Education (through Center for West European Studies)
for developing a new course on Science and Technology in USA, Japan and Europe.
1993 Curriculum Development Grant awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences for
developing new modules for the courses on Science in Society and Global Society.
1992 Grant from the U.S. Department of Education (through Center for Asian Studies) for
materials on science in Japan for a course on Organizations: Theory and Research.
1991 Grant from the U.S. Department of Education (through International Business Center)
for developing a new course on Science in Society.
Undergraduate courses
Methodology, University of Southern Denmark (’04).
Organisation, University of Southern Denmark (’02,’03,’04,’05).
Freshman Studies 1, University of Pittsburgh (‘97,’98,’99,’00,’01,’02,’03).
Science in Society, University of Pittsburgh (’91,’92,’93,’94,sp’96,su’96,’97,’99,’01).
Introduction to Sociology, University of Pittsburgh (’99).
Science and Technology in USA-Japan-Europe, Pitt (’98,’99,su’00,f’00,’02).
Global Change and Modern Life, University of Pittsburgh (’00,’04).
Global Society, University of Pittsburgh (’93).
Comparative Civilizations, University of Pittsburgh (’04).
Societies, University of Pittsburgh (’97,’97,’99,’00,’01,’04).
Personal Networks, University of Pittsburgh (’94).
Social Research Methods, University of Pittsburgh (’89,’91,sp’98, su’98,’99,’00,’01,’02,’03).
Understanding Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’88,’89).
Social Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’95).
Basic Applied Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’96,’97,’98).
Sociology of Science Seminar, University of Pittsburgh (’90).
Organizations: Theory and Research, University of Pittsburgh (’92).
MBA courses
Management of organizational networks [MBA], University of Southern Denmark (’08).
Master studies courses
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Field Studies [MA], U.of S.Denmark (’06,’07,’08,’09).
Quantitative research, University of Southern Denmark (’10, ’11, ’12, Feb’13, Sep’13).
Evaluation of ideas [Master studies in Strategic Entrepreneurship], U.S.Denmark (’11,’12,Apr’13).
Management of organizations [Master studies in Entrepreneurship], U. of Tehran (’11).
Graduate courses (for Master-level and Ph.D. students)
World Systems: Theory and Research, University of Pittsburgh (’92,’94,’97).
Knowledge in Society, University of Pittsburgh (’96).
Structural Sociology, University of Pittsburgh (’89,’94).
Social Networks, University of Pittsburgh (’98,’08).
Quantitative Methodology, University of Pittsburgh (’89,’96,’99,’01,’03).
Ph.D. courses
Quantitative Research Methods, University of Southern Denmark (’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, April‘13).
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods, University of Southern Denmark (’09).
Social Network Analysis, U.of S.Denmark (’01,’02,’04,’06,’08,’09,’10,’11,’12,Aug’13).
Advanced Social Network Analysis, University of Southern Denmark (’03,’05,’07,’09).
Quantitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran (2012).
Research Methodology, Kwame Nkrumah University, Ghana (2012).
Advisor on Ph.D. Dissertations.
Networks and innovation in science parks. Antonio Rivera (Campus Slagelse, USD; submitted).
Entrepreneurs’ networks and performance (Ph.D.awarded 2011), Hannes Ottosson (USD).
Sources of organizational similarity and divergence (Ph.D.awarded 2010), Anders R. Villadsen (UÅrhus)
Entrepreneurs’ Social Networks (Ph.D. awarded in 2005), by Kim Klyver (U of Southern Denmark).
Delinquent youth (Ph.D. degree awarded in 2007), by M.Solinas (University of Pittsburgh).
Perceptions of medical concepts (Ph.D. degree awarded 2003), by K.Rodriguez (Univ. of Pittsburgh).
Dependence among Nations in the Invention of Technology (Ph.D. awarded 1999), S.Monsma (UPitt).
Member of Ph.D. Dissertation Committees.
Lluljeta. (University of Copenhagen; dissertation submitted 2012).
S.Jensen, Regional development networks (Aalborg University, Ph.D. awarded 2007)
K.Wickstrøm Jensen, Knowledge-integration networks (U. of S. Denmark, Ph.D. awarded 2005),
C.Waldstrøm, Understanding organizational relations (Arhus School of Business, PhD. awarded 2003),
G.Reyes (School of Public and International Affairs, U. of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 2001),
J.Li (School of Library and Information Sciences, U of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 2001),
C.McGrath (Carnegie-Mellon University, School of Public Policy; dissertation defended 1999),
A.Lack (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1999),
C.Papageorgiou (Economics, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1998),
A.Okulu (University of Southern California; Ph.D. awarded 1997),
H.Mak (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1996),
T.Clayton (School of Education, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1995),
R.Fujiwara (School of Education, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1995),
R.Miller (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1995),
W.Kuo (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1993),
J.Kugler (School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1992),
J.Kim (School of International and Public Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1990).
Advisor on Masters Theses.
Firms’ networks and innovation: Denmark and Iran. Mahya Bayat. Univ of Tehran, in progress.
Culture and entrepreneurship. (2012) Lili, University of Southern Denmark.
Business relations and innovation. (2012) Mercedeh Foroughi. University of Tehran.
Medarbejdertilfredshed på en dansk arbejdsplads. (2012) Marzenna Sørencen, U. of S. Denmark.
Entrepreneurial intention and spin-off in Denmark and Iran. (2012) Masoud Tajeddin, Uni. of Tehran.
Entrepreneurs’ family support. (2012). Elham Kaboli, University of Tehran.
Entrepreneurs’ networks and competencies. (2011). Lida Sarreshtedari, University of Tehran.
Networks, alertness, and innovation confidence in business (2011). Nastooh Nochian, Uni.of Tehran.
Entrepreneurs’ networks and performance (2011). Mina Najafian, University of Tehran.
People’s entrepreneurial intent: personal and cultural factors (2011). Mahdi Ebrahim, Uni.of Tehran.
National conditions and activity in entrepreneurship (2011). Ali Akhavan, University of Tehran.
Business-customer relations (2010). Stine Dreier. University of Southern Denmark.
Entreprenørers netværk og eksport (2009). Mette S. Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark.
Biograf Nikolai (2008). University of Southern Denmark.
Medarbejdertilfredshed (2005). University of Southern Denmark.
Scientists’ local, national and foreign ties: comparison of USA, France, Japan (1997), J.Luther, Pitt
Higher education, regionalization and globalization: international student moves (’96) Harmon; Pitt
Convergence and divergence among nations in education, science and technology (1996), by D.Saaty.
Russian scientists’ reintegration into the world scientific community (1996), by K.Rodriguez, Pitt.
National specialization in technological invention: analysis of patents (1994), by S.Monsma, Pitt.
Collegial circles of men and women in science: analysis of universalism (1994), by E.Tiedemann; Pitt.
National specialization in science: analysis of publication profiles (1993), by R.Smiles,U.of Pittsburgh.
Trade and economic growth: reconceptualization and empirical analysis (1993), by H.Mak; Pitt.
Racial integration in confiding relations: analysis of the General Social Survey (1991),by P.Mabry,Pitt.
Advisor on Papers Presented by Students at Conferences.
Paper for conference on entrepreneurship, Lüneburg (jan. 2013) by Maryam Cheraghi.
Paper for conference RENT, Lyon (2012) by Shayegheh Ashouri.
Paper for conference on networks and innovation, Algarve (2012) by Mahdokht Sedaghat.
Paper for conference of International Council for Small Business, Stockholm (2011) by Ali Akhavan.
Paper for conference of International Council for Small Business, Stockholm (2011) by Mahdi Ebrahim.
Paper for conference of International Council for Small Business, Stockholm (2011) by Mina Najafian.
Paper for conference of International Council for Small Business, Stockholm (2011) by Nastooh Nochian.
Paper for conference of International Council for Small Business, Stockholm (2011) Mahdokht Sedaghat.
Papers (2006-2010), by Hannes Ottossen, University of Southern Denmark.
Papers (2003-2006), by Kim Klyver, University of Southern Denmark.
Papers (2003), by Christian Waldstrøm, Aarhus Business School.
Papers (2003), by Kent Wickstrøm, University of Southern Denmark.
University study abroad (1996), by M.Harmon.
Putting universalism to the test: the collegial circles of scientists in the USA (1996), by E.Tiedemann.
Support for science around the world (1995), by N.Conti.
Studying abroad: global student moves 1969-1991 (1995), by M.Harmon.
Gendered science in the United States and Brazil (1995), by C.Karaffa.
Recurrent shifts in national specialization in higher education: OECD effects (1995), by J.Luther.
National specialization in invention (1995), by S.Monsma.
The shifting centers of scientific achievement during the twentieth century (1995), by R.Quinlan.
Russian scientists’ new integration into the world scientific community (1995), by K. Rodriguez.
Convergence and divergence among nations in education, science and technology (1995), by D.Saaty.
Scientist and wife: effects of a scientist's marital status on the professional network (’95), Tiedeman
Networking among organizations (1994), by D.Cox.
National specialization in higher education: shifts toward science and technology (1994), by J.Luther.
Worldwide expansion of higher education (1994), by K.Rodriguez.
Worldwide growth of science (1994), by R.Young.
Human development around the world (1993), by J.Alicandro.
Technological networking in big business (1993), by K.Davis.
Dependence and development: a network analysis of trade (1993), by H.Mak.
Neo-colonial ties in science: England and India (1993), by V.Pavarala.
Global networks among hi-tech firms (1993), by D.Saaty.
University Services.
Representative of USD at FiOL (Doctoral Organisation and Management Education), 2004-date.
Member of Management at Dept of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, USD, 2007-2010.
Chair of Evaluation Committees for positions as Associate Professors, U. of Southern Denmark, 2009.
Member of Strategy Committee on External Funding, University of Southern Denmark, 2007-08.
Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Associate Professor, Aarhus School of Business, 2007.
Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Assistant Professor, U. of S. Denmark, 2006.
Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Assistant Professor, U. of S. Denmark, 2005.
Member of the University of Pittsburgh’s College of General Studies Council, 2001-03.
Member of the University Senate Committee on Educational Policies, 1999-2002.
Alternate Member of the Tenure Council of the University of Pittsburgh, 1999-2003.
Director of the Graduate Studies Program in Sociology, 1998-99.
Director of the Undergraduate Studies Program in Sociology, 1994-95.
Member of the departmental Search Committee for Assistant Professors, 2002-03.
Member of the departmental Steering Committee, 1989-90, 1993-94, 1994-95.
Member of the departmental Graduate Student Admissions Committee, 1993-94, 1997-98.
Member of the departmental Chair Search Committee, 1997-98.
Departmental advisor on research on human subjects, 1989-1999.
Departmental representative for libraries, 1993-94.
Member of departmental Special Review Committees for reappointments of faculty members, 96-97
Member of dean’s Review Committees for promotion of faculty in other departments, each year 97-01
Member of the International Culture Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1994-date.
Member of the Specialized Instructional Laboratory Working Group of the University ECAC, 1996-99
Member of the Liberal Studies Advisory Committee of College of Arts and Sciences, 1991-94.
Member of General Education in Social Science Committee of College of Arts and Sciences, 1992-94.
Member of the Advisory Statistics Education Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1994.
Member of the Advisory Board for the Center for West European Studies, 1995-1997, 1999-2000.
Member of the Fellowship Awards Committee for the Center for West European Studies, 1995, ’97.
Applying for and administering 25 grants for research and teaching, 1989-2003, about $ 550,000,
and about 15 grants for research, 2004-date, about 10 mill kroner.
Professional Reviewing.
Member of Scientific Committee for International Conference on Management, Innovation
and Entrepreneurship, Shiraz, February 2011.
Member of panel reviewing papers for International Entrepreneurship Conference, Tehran, 2010.
Member of scientific panel evaluating research grant proposals to National Institutes of Health, USA.
Reviewer of research grant proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities in USA.
Reviewer of research grant proposals to several programs at the National Science Foundation in USA.
Reviewer of research proposals to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Reviewer of fellowship applications to the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in USA.
Reviewer of proposals for book manuscripts to Princeton University Press, Harper Collins Publishers,
Pine Forge Press, University of Pittsburgh Press and Westview Press in USA.
Reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication in journals,
American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Review
Communication Research International Information & Library Review
International Journal of Technology Journal of World-Systems Research
Knowledge in Society Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, & Utilization
Science Communication Science, Technology, & Human Values
Social Science Research Social Studies of Science
Sociological Methods and Research Sociological Perspectives
Sociological Spectrum Ledelse og Økonomi
Management Science Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Member of International Advisory Board of Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business
ISSN 1512-8962 (editor-in-chief Prof Safet Kozarevic), 2011 to date.
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Korean Entrepreneurship Society,
(editor-in-chief Prof Sung-sik Bahn), 2010 to date.
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research,
(editor-in-chief Prof Nezammedin Faghih), 2009 to date.
Associate Editor of the Journal of World-Systems Research, 1994 to 2004.
Professional Society Memberships.
European Management Association,
Global Entrepreneurship Research Association / Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
Professional Society and other Professional Activities.
Heading research group on Firms’ Collaboration, Global Entrepreneurship Research Asso., 2011-date.
Organizer and leader of workshop held in Amman, Jordan, in June 2012, for the project
“Entrepreneurs’ networking in Middle East and North Africa” funded by a grant from
the Canadian agency International Development Research Centre.
Heading Research Group on Entrepreneurs’ Networks, Global Entrepreneurship Research Ass, 2008-date.
Member of Research Committee of Global Entrepreneurship Research Association/GEM, 2008-2012.
Consultant to Vejle Kommune, on evaluations of entrepreneurship in Vejle, 2008-2011.
Consultant to FORA, on analysis of business clusters in regions in Jutland, 2006.
Instructor at a three-day course on social network analysis for journalists, Copenhagen, April 2005.
Organizer and instructor at introductory and advanced Ph.D. courses on Social Network Analysis
at the University of Southern Denmark – Kolding, 2001,’02,’03,’04,’05,’07,’08,’09,’10,’11, ‘12.
Member (elected) of the Council of the Science, Knowledge and Technology section of
The American Sociological Association, 1996-1998.
Consultant, as Senior Science and Technology Analyst, to the World Bank and the Brazilian
Ministry of Science and Technology, 1996.
Organizer of sessions at the annual meetings of
The American Sociological Association, 1992, 1994;
The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 1993, 1994, 1997.
Presider of sessions at the annual meetings of
The American Sociological Association, 1990, 1994;
The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997;
The Society for Social Studies of Science, 1993.
Discussant of sessions at the annual meetings of
The American Sociological Association, 1991;
The Society for Social Studies of Science, 1993, 1995.
Leader of the two-hour seminar on Social Networks at the annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association, 1993, invited by the President, Dr. Seymour M. Lipset.
Contributor at the workshop at the Social Science Research Council on international research
and training in the United States, 1993, invited by the President, Dr. David Featherman.
Media contributions
2012. Featured and interviewed in national TV and numerous newspapers in Denmark about
intrapreneurship in Denmark in international perspective.
2011. Featured and interviewed in numerous media in Denmark about entrepreneurship
in Denmark in international perspective.
2011, February. Featured and interviewed in TV-program in Iran about entrepreneurship
in Iran in international perspective.
2010, Sept-Oct. Featured and interviewed in numerous articles and TV-programs in Iran
about entrepreneurship in Iran in international perspective.
2010, Jan-Feb. Featured and interviewed in numerous articles in the newspapers Børsen and
Erhvervsbladet about entrepreneurship in Denmark in international perspective.
2009, Feb-Sep. Featured and interviewed in numerous articles in the newspapers Børsen, Erhvervsbladet
and Ekstrabladet about entrepreneurship and elite networks.
2009, January. Featured in Denmark in the newspapers Børsen and Erhvervsbladet about my new book
‘Education, Training and Networking for Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2008’.
2008, January. Featured in Denmark in the newspapers Børsen and Erhvervsbladet about my new book
‘Growth-Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2007’.
2007, January. Featured in Denmark in the Funen radio and other radios and in the newpapers
Børsen, Jyllandposten, Berlingske Tidende, Jyske Vestkysten about my new book
’Entrepreneurship in the Regions in Denmark 2006’.
2006, November. Featured in Denmark in radio P1 about entreprenurship policy, 16.48-17.00 hours,
2006, November 14. Featured in Denmark in the newspaper Børsen about growth in entrepreneurship.
2006, March. Featured in Denmark in the Funen radio about political networks.
2006, January, February. Featured in Denmark in the daily newspaper Børsen and several others
about my new book ‘Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2005’.
2005, March. Featured in Denmark in articles in the daily newspapers Politiken and Information,
about politicians, civil servants, and journalists participation in close-knit elite circles.
2003, March 4. Featured in Denmark in article in the daily newspaper Børsen, in national public
radio at 7.30am news magazine, in national public television at 7pm news, and in national public
television news analysis Deadline at 11pm, as author of the book, Networks in the Economic Elite.
Invited Lectures.
Entrepreneurs’ personal networks and their firms’ business networks:
China compared to other countries. Lecture invited to be delivered to
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2013.
Entrepreneurs’ network relation with banks: Comparing Iran and Denmark.
Invited lecture at Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, July 2012.
People’s path into entrepreneurship: Iran compared to other countries.
Invited lecture to the Labor and Social Security Institute, Tehran, Iran, July 2012.
Entrepreneurs’ networks and innovation: Colombia compared to other countries.
Invited opening-lecture delivered at the 3rd Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship
at the National University of Colombia, Bogota, October 2011.
Under peer review for publication in the journal Innovar.
The teacher’s role in university education in entrepreneurship. Invited lecture at the
faculty seminar at UNITEC University, Bogota, Colombia, October 2011.
Principles of teaching social network analysis. Invited lecture at the faculty seminar
at Sabana University, Bogota, Colombia, October 2011.
Entrepreneurs’ networking: Antecedents and consequences. Invited lecture to a
faculty-student seminar at Universidad Piloto, Bogota, Colombia, October 2011.
Education and training for entrepreneurship: Comparison of Iran and other countries.
Invited key-note lecture to the 1st Annual Conference on Management, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Shiraz, February 2011.
Entrepreneurs’ social capital and its returns. Invited lecture at the faculty seminar at the
University of Mazandaran, Bobolsar, Iran, February 2011.
Effects of education and training upon competencies and entrepreneurial performance:
Iran compared to the rest of the world. Invited lecture at the annual convention of the
Iranian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Tehran, February 2011.
Growth-expectations of entrepreneurs, by Thomas Schøtt, S. Mostafa Razavi, Sung-sik Bahn,
Yusuf Sidani. Invited lecture presented to the First International Conference on Entrepreneurship,
Tehran, September 2010. Abstract published in International Conference on Entrepreneurship:
Abstracts of Conference Papers (Tehran: University of Tehran): 46-47.
Education for entrepreneurship in Iran compared to Denmark. Invited lecture to the
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Mines, Tabriz, September 2010.
Centers of entrepreneurship. Invited lecture presented at a symposium on the legacy
of Joseph Ben-David for contemporary universities, Switzerland, July 2009.
Innovative entrepreneurship around the world. Invited lecture at American University
of Armenia, Yerevan, May 2009.
Entrepreneurship policy and education. Invited lecture to the Faculty of Entrepreneurship
at Tehran University, Iran, May 2009.
Entrepreneurs’ networks of advisors. Invited lecture to the regional Institute of Labor and
Social Affairs, Isfahan, Iran, May 2009.
Entrepreneurs’ networks and their effects on entrepreneurship. Invited lecture to
the Municipality of Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
Recruitment of entrepreneurs in Iran and Denmark. Invited lecture to the
Institute of Labor and Social Affairs, Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
Uddannelse, træning og iværksætteri. Invited Lecture to Mid-Jutland Entrepreneurship Academy.
October 2008.
Eliteiværksætteri Danmark. Invited lecture to ConnectDenmark, Odense, September 2008.
Entrepreneurship in Europe and USA. Invited lecture to the European Union Center at the
University of Pittsburgh, February 2008.
Education of entrepreneurs in Denmark and other developed countries and in developing countries,
Invited lecture to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization meeting, Vienna,
November 2007.
Iværksætterrådgivning i Danmark. Invited lecture to meeting of public advisors, Grenå,
August 2006.
Growth expectations of entrepreneurs in Denmark. By T. Bager and T. Schøtt.
Invited lecture at Copenhagen Business School conference, January 2005.
Quantitative Analyses of Social Networks. Invited lecture at Roskilde University Center,
Denmark, December 2003.
Social Network Analysis. Invited lecture series at the University of Southern Denmark,
November 2001, August 2002, March 2003, August 2004.
Networks among organizations. Invited lecture at the University of Southern Denmark,
June 2001.
Science, technology, education and economy in centers and peripheries.
Invited lecture at the conference on Reinventing Society in the Changing Global Economy,
Toronto, March 2001. Published in the conference volume Globalization and Society.
Analysis of the Brazilian supports for science and technology.
Invited presentation to meeting on ‘Conclusion of the Analysis of the Brazilian Portfolio of
Investments in Science and Technology’ with the World Bank and the Brazilian Ministry of
Science and Technology at the World Bank, Washington DC, November 1996.
The formation of the globe-spanning scientific community in the 20th century.
Invited lecture at the conference on 'Science in the Twentieth Century', Florence, June 1995.
Institutionalization of the scientific role in non-Western civilizations.
Invited lecture at the conference 'Science as a Special Profession', Jerusalem, February 1994.
American use of foreign materials: a sociological perspective on underutilization and policies.
Invited lecture at the symposium on 'Managing the Information Revolution', University of
Pittsburgh, February 1994.
The creation of a global civilization: science and modernization. Invited lecture at the Bradford
Campus of the University of Pittsburgh, December 1993.
World science policy: ideology and practice. Invited lecture at the Center for the Study of
Science in Society at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Nov 1993.
Social network analysis. Invited two-hour didactic seminar given at the Annual
Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Miami, August 1993.
Social science research in the United States on international phenomena.
Invited paper to the workshop on international training and research in social science
in the United States, Social Science Research Council, New York, June 1993.
The concept of center and periphery in international science and the position of Soviet science.
Invited lecture at the Academy of Science of the USSR, Leningrad, May 1991.
Network analysis of a system of mental health organizations. Invited lecture to the Mental
Health Research Training Program at the University of California, Berkeley, April 1991.
Scientific productivity and international integration of small countries. Invited lecture at the
Symposium on the Scientific Role honoring Joseph Ben-David, Jerusalem, December 1985.
Conference Papers. ^ are papers submitted in full and reviewed before accepted for presentation.
Policies for education, training and involvement in entrepreneurship. Submitted for review for
presentation at the Inaugural ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Aarhus, May 2012.
Embeddedness of business relations in personal relations, by T. Schott and Mahya Bayat.
Accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation,
Amman, Jordan, 3-4 March 2013.
Entrepreneurs’ networking: Gendering in traditional and secular-rational cultures.
Presented at the Third International Conference on Women in Entrepreneurship.
Lüneburg, Germany, January 17-19, 2013.
Entrepreneurs’ growth-expectations: Shaped by their network and by national growth-policy,
by Thomas Schott and Shayegheh Ashouri. Presented at the RENT XXVI Conference,
EM Business School, Lyon, November 2012.
^ Entrepreneurs’ networks: Shaped by cultures of rationality and trust, by Thomas Schøtt and
Maryam Cheraghi. Presented at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in
Social Network Analysis and Mining, Istanbul, August 2012. Published in the proceedings.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation shaped by their networking and by national education: a global study,
by Thomas Schøtt and Mahdokht Sedaghat. Presented at the 15th Uddevalla Symposium on
Networks and Innovation, Faro, Portugal, June 2012. In press in the conference proceedings.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation promoted by their education and training and by
national policy and culture: a global study, by Thomas Schott, Adam S. Hovne and
Ben S. Hovne. Presented at the International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation,
Venice, May 2012. Published in the proceedings.
Entreprenant arbejde blandt ansatte på de danske arbejdspladser: Er Danmark næsten
verdensmester i intraprenørskab? [Entrepreneurial work by employees in Danish enterprises:
is Denmark nearly world champion in intrapreneurship?]. Invited lecture at Job-creation day,
University of Southern Denmark, March 2012.
How instrumental and emotional support from family differs between vocational decisions
to become self-employed or employed, by Kim Klyver, Mark Schenkel, Mette Søgård Nielsen
and Thomas Schøtt. Presented at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research
Conference, Syracuse, June 2011.
Entrepreneurs’ education and training enhancing competencies and performance: a global study,
by Thomas Schott and Mahdokht Sedaghat. Presented at the 56th annual International
Council on Small Business World Conference, Stockholm, June 2011.
Entrepreneurial intention promoted by perceived capabilities, risk-propensity, and opportunity-
awareness: a global study, by Mahdi Ebrahim and Thomas Schott. Presented at the 56th
annual International Council on Small Business World Conference, Stockholm, June 2011.
National entrepreneurial activity affected by framework conditions: a global study based on
GEM data, by Mostafa Razavi, Thomas Schott and Ali Akhavan. Presented at the 56th
annual International Council on Small Business World Conference, Stockholm, June 2011.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation promoted by their networking: a cross-national study extending GEM,
by Thomas Schøtt, Mohammad Reza Zali, and Toni Feghali.
Presented at the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference. London, October 2010.
Growth-expectations of entrepreneurs: a cross-national study extending GEM,
by Thomas Schøtt, S. Mostafa Razavi, Sung-sik Bahn, and Yusuf Sidani.
Presented at the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference. London, October 2010.
Networks around female and male entrepreneurs in traditional societies and secular-rationalistic
societies, by Mohammad Reza Zali, Sung-sik Bahn, Elaine Allen, Dima Jamali, Thomas Schøtt.
Presented at the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference. London, October 2010.
Entrepreneurs’ spheres of networking for advice: Private, job, professional, market and
entrepreneurship spheres, by Thomas Schøtt, Min-seok Cha, Lina Daouk-Öyry.
Presented at the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference. London, October 2010.
Entrepreneurs’ networks and performance, by Hannes Ottossen and Thomas Schøtt.
Presented at conference in Bodø, Norway, 2009.
Iværksætteres uddannelse og træning. [Entrepreneurs’ education and training]. Presented
at Roskilde University, February 2009.
Human capital influence on advancement of entrepreneurs through venture emergence,
by Hannes Ottosson and Thomas Schøtt. Presented at the Summer University of
Entrepreneurship, Bodø, Norway, August 2008.
The Coupling between Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Tight in Developed Countries but
Loose in Developed Countries, by Thomas Schøtt and Kent Wickstrøm Jensen. Presented at
the Third International GEM Research Conference, Washington DC, October 2007.
Who will be an entrepreneur? How cultural mechanisms and social network structure
jointly influence entrepreneurial participation, by Kim Klyver, Kevin Hindle and Thomas
Schøtt. Presented at the annual Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference,
Madrid, June 2007.
Social network analysis, Presented at the Seminar on Social Networks: Theory and Practice,
University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, June 2007.
Entrepreneur or Not: Predicting vocation from resources, background and traits.
Presented at the CEBR conference on Entrepreneurship: Occupational Choice and Financing,
Copenhagen, June 2006.
Entrepreneurship in the Metropolis and the Province: Analysis of Danish Data from Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor. Presented at Conference on Regional Research, Funen, May 2006.
Entrepreneurship in the Metropolis and its Strategies of Innovation, Growth and Export:
Analyses based on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Presented at the Copenhagen
Conference on Strategic Management, Copenhagen, December 2005.
Entrepreneurs’ expectations for growth, Global comparisons. Presented at the 2nd
international conference of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Hungary, May 2005.
Growth expected by entrepreneurs in nascent and baby-businesses in Denmark. By T.Schøtt and
T.Bager. Presented at 13th Research in Entrepreneurship conference, Copenhagen, Nov. 2004.
^ Autonomous starters’ networks: Encouragement or criticism. By K. Klyver and T.Schøtt.
Presented at the international research conference Babson Kaufmann Entrepreneurship.
Scotland. June 2004.
^ Growth expected by entrepreneurs in nascent and baby businesses in Denmark: Analyses of
GEM population surveys 2000-2003. By T.Schøtt and T.Bager. Presented at the international
research conference Entrepreneurship in Nations and Regions. Berlin, April 2004.
Growth expected by entrepreneurs in nascent and baby businesses in Denmark.
By T.Schøtt and T.Bager. Presented at the annual meetings of the Leadership, Organization
and Competency program, Denmark, December 2003.
Autonomous starters’ networks: Encouragement or criticism. By K.Klyver and T.Schøtt.
Presented at the annual meetings of the Leadership, Organization and Competency program,
Denmark, December 2003.
Determinants of Young Firm Growth: Analysis based on Registries. By T.Bager and T.Schøtt.
Presented at the annual meetings of the Leadership, Organization and Competency program,
Denmark, December 2002.
The concept of power in the network in the economic elite in Denmark.
Invited contribution to conference on Power and Democracy at Hindsgavl, Denmark, May 2000.
The global network of authorities making “national” science policy. Presented at
the XVII International Social Network Conference, San Diego, February 1997.
^ Subsystems within community agency networks: barriers or channels to service provision.
By J.Banaszak-Holl, S.Allen, V.Mor and T.Schott. Presented at the Annual Meetings
of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 1996.
Accumulation of prestige and self-reliance in centers and deprivation in peripheries: evidence
from the scientific world system. Presented at XVI Social Network Conference, Charleston,
February 1996
Inwardness in a center and outwardness in a periphery of world science: A comparison of USA
and Denmark. Presented to Society for Social Studies of Science, Charlottesville, October 1995.
Danish scientific and technological research: International comparisons. Presented at the
faculty colloquium at the South Jutland University Centre, Esbjerg, Denmark, August 1995.
National science policy (e.g. in Denmark): made by the OECD and UNESCO. Presented at
the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington DC, August 1995.
Scientific and technological growth in East Asia. Presented to the faculty colloquium of
the Asian Studies Program, University of Pittsburgh, February 1995.
Inventing environmental technology. Presented at the First University Environmental
Colloquium, University of Pittsburgh, October 1994.
^ Institutional convergence and deepening inequality among nations in science and technology.
Presented at the Meetings of American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, August 1994.
^ National specialization and the international division of labor in invention of technology, by T.
Schøtt and S.Monsma. Presented to American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, Aug 1994.
The globalization, regionalization and nationalization of science and technology.
Presented at the symposium on 'Transformations in the Global Economy:
Business, National and Regional Responses, University of Pittsburgh, March 1994.
Specialization and division of labor: networkish conceptions.
Presented at the Sunbelt Social Network Conference, New Orleans, February 1994.
Science in global civilization: a falsification of Fukuyama's theory.
Presented at the Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Lafayette, Nov 1993.
Science and technology in Latin America. Lecture in the Center for Latin American Studies,
University of Pittsburgh, November 1993.
^ Scientism and science in the non-Western civilizations. Presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Pennsylvania Sociological Society, Pittsburgh, October 1993.
Science and technology in Europe: West European cohesion, East European disintegration,
and global ties. Lecture in the West European Studies Program, U.of Pittsburgh, Oct 1993.
Economy, education, science and technology: their coupling in Western and non-Western
societies. Presented in the work-in-progress series of the Sociology Graduate Student
Organization, Oct 1993.
^ Collaboration in inventing technology: globalization, regions and centers.
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Miami, Aug 1993.
The spirit of scientism: the Protestant ethic and functional equivalents.
Talk in Works-in-progress series by the Sociology Graduate Student Organization, April 1993.
^ Resource transfers between agencies caring for children's mental health: a panel study of
facilitating conditions. Presented at the the Sixth Annual Research Conference on
'A System of Care for Children's Mental Health', Tampa, March 1993.
Collaboration in invention of technology: globalization, regions and centers.
Presented at the Annual International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Tampa, Feb 1993.
The center of world science: sociological interpretations.
Presented at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, February 1993.
Studying the world system of technological inventive activity - - with NSF funding.
Talk in pro-seminar series by the sociology Graduate Student Organization, October 1992.
^ The center of world science: accumulation of rewards and dominance.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1992.
Individual participation in world science.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1992.
Creators of a global culture: scientists. Presented at the 'Theory, Culture & Society'
International Conference, Champion, August 1992.
Regions in the scientific world-system: East Bloc disintegration and West European integration.
Presented at the Annual Sunbelt Social Network Conference, San Diego, February 1992.
Workshop on Submitting Papers for the American Sociological Association Meeting next year.
Given to the Graduate Student Organization at the University of Pittsburgh, November 1991.
Geosocial constraints on globality of science: American and Soviet scientists’ ties. Presented
at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Cambridge, Nov 1991.
^ Estimating structure in a social network: complete enumeration versus limited-choice sampling
of ties. Presented at the Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, 1991.
^ National and international networks among scientists. Presented at the conference on
'What is International in Science?' Sweden, May 1991.
Old and new technologies in international scientific communication: a cross-national
comparison. Presented at annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Vancouver,
March 1991.
Conditions of imitation among organizations: cooperation and competition. Presented at
the Groups and Organizations Seminar at Carnegie-Mellon University, March 1991.
International educational exchanges: their globality, sources in political economy, and
consequences for scientific exchanges. Presented at the Annual Conference of
the Comparative and International Education Society, Pittsburgh, March 1991.
^ Effectiveness of informal linkages among agencies. Presented at the Fourth Annual
Research Conference on 'A System of Care for Children's Mental Health', Tampa, Feb 1991.
Socio-intellectual organization in science: scientists' ties to local and distant colleagues.
Presented at the XI International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Florida, February 1991.
The scientific world-system: macro and micro approaches. Presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Minnesota, October 1990.
^ Shifting centers of science: United States and competitors. Presented at the Annual
Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 1990.
^ The scientific world-system: quasi-autonomous dependence on the economic world-system.
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Wash, Aug 1990.
^ Assessing system change in children's mental health service networks, by J.P.Morrissey
and T.Schøtt. Presented at the Third Annual Research Conference on 'A System of
Care for Children's Mental Health: Building a Research Base'. Tampa, February 1990.
Centers of science: global trends. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Program Policy
Committee at the Center for Social and Urban Research, University of Pittsburgh, Dec. 1989.
Globalization in the scientific world-system, by T.Schøtt and P.Doreian. Presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Irvine, November 1989.
Inequality among national scientific communities, by P.Doreian and T.Schøtt. Presented at
the Annual Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Irvine, November 1989.
Environments of an organization making for isomorphism: cooperators versus competitors,
by T.Schøtt and J.P.Morrissey. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the
American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 1989.
The United States and competing centers in the scientific world-system. Presented
at the Ninth Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Tampa, February 1989.
Change in interorganizational networks: a two-wave study of interventions in county
mental health service systems, by T.Schøtt and J.P.Morrissey. Presented at
the Ninth Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Tampa, February 1989.
Assessing network change, by R.Colignon, D.Gillespie and T.Schøtt. Presented at
the Ninth Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Tampa, February 1989.
^ Assessing system growth and development in children's mental health service networks:
a two-wave panel study, by J.P.Morrissey and T.Schøtt. Presented at the 116th
Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, November 1988.
Interorganizational influence: cohesion versus structural equivalence, by T.Schøtt and J.P.
Morrissey. Presented at the Eighth Sunbelt Social Network Conference, San Diego, 1988.
Network analytic methods in mental health services research.
Presented at the Mental Health Research Conference, Amherst, November 1986.
^ International influence in science. Presented at the Annual Meetings of
the American Sociological Association, New York, August 1986.
^ Components of a social relation. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., 1985.
Interpersonal influence in science.
Presented at the Fifth Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Palm Beach, February 1985.
^ Curves of publications, references, and citations in science: a dynamic model.
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Social Studies of Science, 1982.
^ The roles of scientists in the public debate on atomic power, by E.Dixen and T.Schøtt.
Presented at Colloque Interdisciplinaire et International: 'Un Lieu de Controle
Democratique des Sciences: Le Debat Nucleaire', Namur, September 1977.
Publications by Thomas Schøtt
The publications are single-authored except those listing the authors.
Entrepreneurial Work by Employees in Enterprises – studied via Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor in Denmark 2011, by Thomas Schott (Kolding: University
of Southern Denmark, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies, 2012).
Training and Network Organization in Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2010 – studied
via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, by Thomas Schott (Kolding: University of
Southern Denmark, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies, 2011).
Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2009 – studied via
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, by Thomas Schott (Kolding: University of
Southern Denmark, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies, 2010).
Education, Training and Networking for Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2008 – studied
via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. (Kolding: University of Southern Denmark,
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies, 2009).
Growth-Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2007 – studied via Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. (Kolding: University of Southern Denmark, Centre for Small Business Studies, 2008).
Entrepreneurship in the Regions in Denmark 2006 – studied via Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. (Kolding: University of Southern Denmark, Centre for Small Business Studies, 2007).
Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2005 – studied via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark, Centre for Small Business Studies, 2006).
Den Økonomiske Elites Netværk. [The Economic Elite Network] 2003. Danish Power
and Democracy Research Program, in its series published through Aarhus University Press.
Science and Technology in Brazil: A New Policy for a Global World, by S.Schwartzman
(coord.), C.Bertero, E.Guimaraes, E.Krieger, E.Skolnikoff, F.Galembeck, G.Ferné, L.
Branscomb, M.Gibbons, and T.Schott. (Rio de Janeiro: Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, 1995).
Fundamental Research in Small Countries: Mathematics in Denmark, 1928-1977.
(Various Publications Series No. 32). (Aarhus: Aarhus University, Dept of Mathematics:1979).
(Thesis for the Master of Science degree, Cand.Scient.)
Books in preparation.
Entrepreneurs’ Networking Around the World: Cultures, Strategies and Performances.
The study will account for the network organization of entrepreneurial activity in networks, focusing on how networks vary across countries, especially depending on their traditionality and modernity, how the entrepreneurs’ networks are shaped by the characteristics of the entrepreneurs such as gender, age and education, and by characteristics of their firms such as their phase, age, ownership and size, and how the networks affect performance such as innovation, exporting and expectations for growth and returns on investments. The study is partly based on collaboration by GEMteams around the world, some of whom will expectedly coauthor some of the chapters.
Firms’ Networks around the World.
The study will account for the network organization of firms’ cooperation, focusing on how networks vary across countries, especially depending on their framework conditions, how the firms’ networks are shaped by the characteristics of the firms such as their phase, age, ownership and size, and the firms’ owner-managers’ characteristics such as gender, age and education, and how the firms’ networks affect their performance such as innovation, exporting and expectations for growth and returns on investments. – The study will expectedly be based on data collection by GEM in all participating countries, as a special topic in 2012, so several GEM-researchers will expectedly coauthor the study which is planned first to be a special report of GEM and then a book.
Articles in Preparation.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation shaped by their networking: A study based on GEM data from
Middle East and North African countries and Denmark , by Mahdokht Sedaghat, Thomas Schott,
Mostafa Razavi and Ayatollah Momayez. Article in preparation for submission for review for
journal publication.
Women entrepreneurs’ networking, confidence in innovation, and growth-expectation
in contexts of traditional versus secular-rationalistic cultures: a multi-level study,
by Thomas Schott and Shayegheh Ashouri. Article in preparation for submission
for review for publication in an anthology.
Entrepreneurs’ growth-expectations: Shaped by their network and by national growth-policy,
by Thomas Schott and Shayegheh Ashouri. (Presented at the RENT XXVI Conference,
EM Business School, Lyon, November 2012). Article in preparation for submission for review
for journal publication.
Components of the network around an actor. Article invited for publication in the
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, being edited by Jon Rokne and
Reda Alhajj. To be published by Springer Verlag in 2013.
The survival and growth of young firms: Two sides of the same coin? By Torben Bager
& Thomas Schøtt. Submitted to the international journal Small Business Economics.
(The editor has suggested us to revise and resubmit.)
Articles under review.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation shaped by their networking and by national education: a global study,
by Thomas Schøtt and Mahdokht Sedaghat. Presented at the 15th Uddevalla Symposium on
Networks and Innovation, Faro, Portugal, June 2012. Under peer review for journal publication.
Firms’ collaboration networks promoting innovation: Comparing effects in a high-trust society
(Denmark) and a low-trust society (Iran), by Mahya Bayat, Thomas Schott and M. Reza Zali.
Submitted and under peer review for journal publication.
Size, composition and diversity of the network around an entrepreneur: shaped by culture
and shaping embeddedness, by T. Schott and M. Cheraghi. Submitted and under peer review
for publication in an anthology.
Who will be an entrepreneur? How cultural mechanisms and social network structure jointly
influence entrepreneurial participation. By Kim Klyver, Kevin Hindle & Thomas Schøtt.
Submitted for publication in an international journal.
Refereed Articles.
Entrepreneurs’ networks: Size, diversity and components shaped by cultures of
rationality and trust, by Thomas Schøtt and Maryam Cheraghi. Proceedings the 2012
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining,
August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
ISBN 978-0-7695-4799-2. Pages 220-226. (2012).
Entrepreneurs' networks affecting innovation: Firms in Iran and Denmark,
by Mohammad Reza Zali, Thomas Schøtt, Asadollah Kordnaeij and Mina Najafian,
African Journal of Business Management. 6(17):5737-5743. (2012).
Online at
Entrepreneurs’ confidence in innovation and their innovativeness, by Nastooh Nochian
and Thomas Schott. Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business,
10,1:25-32. (2012).
How social network structure shapes entrepreneurial intention, by Kim Klyver and
Thomas Schøtt, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 1, 1:3-37 (2011).
Online at
Entrepreneurs’ expected returns affected by their networks: a cross-national study using
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, by Sung-Sik Bahn, Simara Maria de Souza
Silveira Greco, Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi, Olga Rastrigina and Thomas Schøtt.
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 5, 2:75-94 (Sept 2011).
Entrepreneurs’ social capital enhancing performance and venture advancement,
by Hannes Ottósson and Thomas Schøtt. Entrepreneurship Research in Europe:
Evolving Concepts and Processes, edited by O.J. Borch, A. Fayolle, P. Kyrö, and
E. Ljunggren. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing): 134-152 (June 2011).
Intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and spin-off entrepreneurs: similarities and differences,
by Torben Bager, Hans Ottósson and Thomas Schøtt.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 10, 3: 339-358 (2010).
The Coupling between Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Tight in Developed Countries
but Loose in Developing Countries, by Thomas Schøtt and Kent Wickstrøm Jensen.
Estudios de Economía, 35, 2: 195-214 (2008)
Science, Technology, Education and Economy in Centers and Peripheries. In
Globalization and Society: Processes of Differentiation Examined, edited by Raymond
Breton and Jeffrey G. Reitz. (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers):165-183 (2003).
Global webs of knowledge: Education, science, and technology.
In E. Hargittai and M. Centeno (eds.), Mapping Globalization, special issue of
American Behavioral Scientist, 44, 10, 1740-1751 (2001).
Organizational characteristics associated with agency centrality in community care networks,
by J. Banaszak-Holl, S. Allen, V. Mor and T. Schott. Journal of Health and Social Behavior,
39:368-385 (1998).
Ties between center and periphery in the scientific world-system: accumulation of rewards,
dominance and self-reliance in the center.
Journal of World-Systems Research, 4, 2:112-144 (1998).
The global-national nexus in research: absorbing world science for usage in Denmark.
Libri, 47:193-205 (1997).
Performance, specialization and international integration of science in Brazil: changes and
comparisons with other Latin American countries and Israel. In S.Schwartzman (coord.),
C.Bertero, E.Guimaraes, E.Krieger, E.Skolnikoff, F.Galembeck, G.Ferné, L.Branscomb,
M.Gibbons, T.Schott, Science and Technology in Brazil: A New Policy for a Global World.
(Rio de Janeiro: Fundaçao Getulio Vargas): 227-284 (1995).
Collaboration in invention of technology: globalization, regions and centers.
Social Science Research, 23:23-56 (1994).
Emerging and declining centers of engineering science: Japan and the United States.
Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, & Utilization, 15:417-456 (1994).
Resource transfers between agencies caring for children's mental health:
a panel study of embeddedness. In C.Liberton, K.Kutash and R.Friedman (eds.),
A System of Care for Children's Mental Health. Sixth Annual Research
Conference Proceedings. (Tampa: University of South Florida):145-152 (1994).
The movement of science and of scientific knowledge: Joseph Ben-David's contribution
to its understanding. Minerva, 31:455-477 (1993).
World science: globalization of institutions and participation.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 18:196-208 (1993).
Soviet science in the scientific world system: was it autarchic, self-reliant, distinctive, isolated,
peripheral, central? Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, & Utilization, 13:410-439 (1992).
Effectiveness of informal linkages among mental health agencies. In A.Algarin and R.M.
Friedman (eds.), A System of Care for Children's Mental Health. Fourth Annual Research
Conference Proceedings. (Tampa: University of South Florida):167-173 (1992).
Scientific research in Sweden: orientation toward the American centre and embeddedness
in Nordic and European environments. Science Studies, 5, 2:13-27 (1992).
Assessing system change in children's mental health service networks, by J.Morrissey
and T.Schott. In A.Algarin and R.M.Friedman (eds.), A System of Care for
Children's Mental Health. Third Annual Research Conference Proceedings.
(Tampa: University of South Florida):151-166 (1991).
The world scientific community: globality and globalisation. Minerva, 29:440-462 (1991).
International influence in science: beyond center and periphery.
Social Science Research, 17:219-238 (1988).
Interpersonal influence in science: mathematicians in Denmark and Israel.
Social Networks, 9:351-374 (1987).
Scientific productivity and international integration of small countries:
mathematics in Denmark and Israel. Minerva, 25:3-20 (1987).
Models of dyadic and individual components of a social relation: applications
to international trade. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 12:225-249 (1986).
Relation contents in multiple networks, by R.S. Burt and T. Schott.
Social Science Research, 14:287-308 (1985).
Fundamental research in a small country: mathematics in Denmark 1928-1977.
Minerva, 18:243-283 (1980).
Book Chapters.
Business relations facilitated by personal relations, by Thomas Schott and Mahya Bayat.
Accepted for publication in the CESFO Årbog [CESFO Yearbook].
Entrepreneurs’ innovation shaped by their networking and by national education:
a global study, by Thomas Schøtt and Mahdokht Sedaghat. Proceedings of the
15th Uddevalla Symposium on Networks and Innovation, Faro, Portugal, 2012. In press.
Entrepreneurs’ innovation promoted by their education and training and by national policy
and culture: A global study, by Thomas Schott, Adam S. Hovne and Ben S. Hovne.
In M. Muffatto and P. Giacon (eds.), Entrepreneurial Strategies and Policies for Economic
Growth,, Padova: 81-94. (2012).
The role of networks in women’s entrepreneurship. In Donna Kelley, Candy Brush, Patty
Greene and Yana Litovski (eds.), 2010 Report on Women and Entrepreneurship.
GERA/GEM. (2011).
Entrepreneurs’ education, training, networking and performance: Brazil, Denmark, Iran and Korea,
by Thomas Schøtt, Sung-sik Bahn, Paulo Alberto Bastos Jr., Nezameddin Faghih, Olga Rastrigina.
In Alicia Coduras, Jonathan Levie, Donna Kelley, Rognvaldur Sæmundsson and Thomas Schøtt,
A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education and Training: A Special Report of the
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. GERA/GEM consortium: 41-44, 53, 60 (2010).
Also published as: Uso de asesores Por Porte De Los Emprendedores, in
Una Perspectiva Global Sobre la Educación y Formación Emprendedora:
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Report. GERA/GEM, 47-50, 59, 73 (2010).
Entreprenørskabssøjlens gavn for karrierer. Entreprenørskab fra ABC til ph.d. –
effektmåling af entreprenørskabsundervisning i Danmark, edited by Lene Vestergaard.
(Odense: Fonden for Entreprenørskab - Young Enterprise): 12-27 and 36 (2011).
Modtagelighed for innovation i befolkningens hverdagsliv og arbejdsliv. CESFO Årsrapport 2010,
edited by Per V. Freytag, Kent W. Jensen, K. Klyver and Kristin B. Munksgaard (eds.).
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 31-39. (2010).
Deltagelse og organisering i socialt entreprenørskab i Danmark og Storbritannien,
by Thomas Schøtt, Roger G. Spear, Mark Hart and Jonathan Levie,
In Linda L. Andersen, T. Bager, L. Hulgaard (eds.), Socialt Entreprenørskab,
(Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag): 81-94. (2010)
Commercial entrepreneurship in a region: Southern Denmark,
by Thomas Schøtt and Mette Søgaard Nielsen, in Thomas Schøtt, Social and Commercial
Entrepreneurship in Denmark – studied via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 57-66. (2010)
Impact of the economic recession on commercial entrepreneurship,
by Thomas Schøtt, Suna Løwe Nielsen, Astrid Heidemann Larsen and Majbritt Rostgaard Ewald,
in Thomas Schøtt, Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship in Denmark – studied via
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 67-82. (2010).
Economic goals versus societal goals in enterprises in Denmark,
by Thomas Schøtt and Kent Wickstrøm Jensen, in Thomas Schøtt, Social and Commercial
Entrepreneurship in Denmark – studied via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 83-98. (2010).
People’s participation in social entrepreneurship in Denmark,
by Thomas Schøtt, Roger G. Spear and Linda L. Andersen, in Thomas Schøtt, Social and
Commercial Entrepreneurship in Denmark – studied via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 99-110. (2010).
Organising social enterprises in Denmark,
by Thomas Schøtt, Roger G. Spear and Lars Hulgård, in Thomas Schøtt, Social and Commercial
Entrepreneurship in Denmark – studied via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark): 111-124. (2010).
Entreprenørers træning i entreprenørskab: effekten på foretagsomhed,
by Thomas Schøtt and Hannes Ottósson. In Torben Bager and Suna Løwe Nielsen (eds.),
Entreprenørskab & Kompetencer (Børsens Forlag): 23-35. (2009).
Who will be an entrepreneur? How cultural mechanisms and social network structure together
influence entrepreneurial participation, by Kim Klyver, Kevin Hindle and Thomas Schøtt.
In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007, edited by Andrew Zacharakis et al.
Babson College 2008. pages 305-320.
Who will develop entrepreneurial intentions? How social network structure shapes
entrepreneurial intentions, by Kim Klyver and Thomas Schøtt. Proceedings of the ICSB
World Conference: 2008 International Council for Small Business World Conference.
International Couuncil for Small Business, 2008.
Effekten af iværksætteres netværk på overlevelse, vækst og overskud. In Torben Bager and
Kim Klyver (eds.), Iværksætterne og deres netværk. (Børsens Forlag): 67-79 (2008).
Eliteiværksættere i netværk, by Thomas Schøtt and Henrik Brorsen, In Per V. Freytag,
Kent Wickstrøm Jensen and Martin Senderovitz (eds.), Årsrapport 2008 Center for
Entreprenørskab og Småvirksomhedsforskning. (Kolding: Syddansk Universitet,
CESFO): 13-18 (2008).
Fremmes iværksætteres præstation af rådgivning og andre kilder til viden? In Per V.Freytag,
M.R.Evald and K.W.Jensen (eds.), Årsrapport 2007 Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning,
CESFO. Tema: Virksomhedsudvikling. (Kolding: Syddansk Universitet, Center for
Småvirksomhedsforskning): 41-48 (2007).
Spin-off-virksomheder og uafhængigt dannede virksomheder – Hvem klarer sig bedst, og hvorfor?
In Torben Bager, Majbritt R. Evald & Christian Vintergaard (eds.),
Iværksætterne og de etablerede virksomheder. (Børsens Forlag): 43-52. (2007)
Knopskydning i og omkring danske virksomheder – Follow-up på Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. By Thomas Schøtt & Kent Wickstrøm Jensen. In Torben Bager, Majbritt R. Evald
& Christian Vintergaard (eds.), Iværksætterne og de etablerede virksomheder, (Børsens
Forlag): 31-42. (2007)
Intraprenørerne i Danmark – belyst via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. By Torben Bager &
Thomas Schøtt. In Torben Bager, Majbritt R. Evald & Christain Vintergaard (eds.),
Iværksætterne og de etablerede virksomheder. (Børsens Forlag): 17-30 (2007)
Iværksætteraktivitet og rådgivning i Danmark og andre lande – belyst via Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. In Torben Bager, Poul Rind Christensen, Helle Neergaard and Susanne Gren Svendsen
(eds.), Iværksætterrådgivning i Danmark (Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 33-40 (2006).
Markedet for råd – efterspørgslen fra iværksætterne og udbuddet fra rådgiverne. By Thomas Schøtt
and Kim Klyver. In Torben Bager, Poul Rind Christensen, Helle Neergaard and Susanne Gren
Svendsen (eds.), Iværksætterrådgivning i Danmark (Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 65-73 (2006).
Barrierer i iværksætteres brug af rådgivere. By Kim Klyver and Thomas Schøtt.
In Torben Bager, Poul Rind Christensen, Helle Neergaard and Susanne Gren Svendsen (eds.),
Iværksætterrådgivning i Danmark (Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 75-85 (2006).
Eksportorientering blandt iværksættere og ejerledere i Danmark og andre lande – analyse
af data fra Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. In Torben Bager, Mick Hancock, Tage
Koed Madsen (eds.), Danske Iværksættere i den Globale Økonomi.
(Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 53-66 (2005).
Undervisning i iværksætteri i Danmark og andre lande – analyse via Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor. In Årsrapport 2004/2005 – Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning. Tema: Teaching
Entrepreneurship. [Yearbook 2002/2003 – Centre for Small Business Research. Theme:
Teaching Entrepreneurship], ed. Villy Søgaard, Susanne G. Svendsen and Susanne B. Bruun,
and Claudia Høyer. (Syddansk Universitet: Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning): 23-25 (2005).
Iværksætterkulturen i Danmark og andre lande – analyse via Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.
In Årsrapport 2004/2005 – Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning. Tema: Teaching
Entrepreneurship. [Yearbook 2002/2003 – Centre for Small Business Research. Theme:
Teaching Entrepreneurship], ed. Villy Søgaard, Susanne G. Svendsen and Susanne B. Bruun,
and Claudia Høyer. (Syddansk Universitet: Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning): 27-29 (2005).
Iværksætteres kompetenceudvikling. By Thomas Schøtt and Jan Christensen. In Årsrapport
2004/2005 – Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning. Tema: Teaching Entrepreneurship.
[Yearbook 2002/2003 – Centre for Small Business Research. Theme: Teaching Entrepreneurship],
ed. Villy Søgaard, Susanne G. Svendsen and Susanne B. Bruun and Claudia Høyer.
(Syddansk Universitet: Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning): 31-38 (2005).
Growth expectations by entrepreneurs in nascent firms, baby businesses and mature firms –
analysis of GEM population data 2000-2003. By Thomas Schott and Torben Bager. In
Mick Hancock and Torben Bager (eds.), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Denmark 2003.
(Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 219-230 (2004).
Growth of firms following succession of head – within and outside family, gender, firm, and
generation. In Mick Hancock and Torben Bager (eds.), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor:
Denmark 2003. (Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag): 267-280 (2004).
Entrepreneurs in Denmark: Background shaping characteristics influencing vocation. In
Årsrapport 2002/2003. Tema: Nye Organisationsformer. [Yearbook 2002/2003. Theme:
New Organizational Forms], ed. Villy Søgaard, Susanne G. Svendsen and Jane V. Møller.
(Syddansk Universitet: Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning):35-40 (2003).
Growth expectations by entrepreneurs in nascent firms, baby businesses and mature firms:
analysis of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor surveys 2000-2003. By T.Schott and T.Bager.
LOK Proceeedings 2003 – Research Conference. Vol 1 (LOK Research Center). 12 pp (2003).
Entrepreneurs’ personal networks – encouragement or criticism? By K.Klyver and T.Schott.
LOK Proceeedings 2003 – Research Conference. Vol 2 (LOK Research Center). 16 pp (2003).
The U.S. center of world science and emulating centers: Japan and Western Europe,
by T. Schott, J. Kanamitsu and J. Luther. American Culture in Europe, ed.
M. Epitropoulos and V. Roudometof. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers):15-38 (1998).
Peripheries in world science: Eastern Europe and Latin America,
by T. Schott, S. Kugel, R. Berrios and K. Rodriguez. American Culture in Europe, ed.
M. Epitropoulos and V. Roudometof. (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers):39-66 (1998).
Sistyema mirovoj nauki i myesto v nej sovetskoj nauki. [The scientific world system
and the position of Soviet science]. In S.A.Kugel and N.S.Chernyakova (eds.),
Vvedeniye v sotsiologiyu nauki. [Introduction to Sociology of Science]. II.
(St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance Press):40-49 (1992).
Network models. In STRUCTURE Reference Manual. (New York: Columbia
University, Center for the Social Sciences):107-206 (1991).
< >
Relational contents in multiple network systems, by R.S.Burt and T.Schott.
In L.C.Freeman, A.K.Romney and D.R.White (eds.), Research Methods in Social
Network Analysis. (Fairfax: George Mason University Press):185-213 (1989).
The roles of scientists in the public debate on atomic power, by E.Dixen and T.Schott.
In Un Lieu de Contrôle Démocratique des Sciences: Le Debat Nucleaire.
(Namur: Facultés Universitaires):228-243 (1977).
Book Reviews.
Book review of J.Ziman, Knowing Everything about Nothing: Specialization and
Change in Research Careers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987),
reviewed in Contemporary Sociology, 18:264-265 (1989).
Book review of D.A.MacKenzie, Statistics in Britain 1865-1930. The Social
Construction of Scientific Knowledge, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1981),
reviewed in Centaurus, 26:232-235 (1982/83).
Published Teaching Materials.
Science and Technology in USA-Japan-Europe. Reader for course 'Science and Technology
in USA-Japan-Europe'. (Univ. of Pittsburgh: Central Printing, 1999, 2nd ed. 2000, 3rd ed. 2000).
"Science and Technology in USA-Japan-Europe" - Course description and syllabus. In S. Zehr
(ed.), Teaching Science, Knowledge and Technology. (Washington: Am. Soc. Asso., 1999).
"Global Civilization" - Course description and syllabus. In D.A. Smith (ed.), Teaching
Comparative and Historical Sociology. (Washington: American Sociological Asso., 1996).
International alliances among firms: a study providing research experience for undergraduates,
by T.Schott, D.Saaty and K.Davis. Science, Knowledge and Technology, 6, 3:8-10 (1993);
and as Undergraduate research in international business alliances, Ventures 4, 2:25 (1994).
Global Civilization: Theory and Evidence. Reader for the course 'Global Civilization'.
(University of Pittsburgh: Central Printing, 1993).
Science in Society: Theory and Evidence. Reader for the course 'Science in Society'.
(University of Pittsburgh: Central Printing, 1st ed. 1991, 2nd ed. 1992, 3rd ed. 1993, 4th ed. 1994,
5th ed. 1996, 6th ed. 1997, 7th ed. 1999, 8th ed. 2001).
"Science in society" - Course description and syllabus. Science, Technology and Society.
86/87:12-22 (1991).
Reports, Working Papers, and Notes.
Entrepreneurship across the border: Mutual orientations between Neumünster, Germany,
and Vejle, Denmark. (Vejle: Vejle Erhvervsudvikling). (2011).
Iværksætteri i Vejle Kommune. 2009-2010. (Vejle: Vejle Erhvervsudvikling). (2011).
A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education and Training:
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Report, by Alicia Coduras, Jonathan Levie,
Donna Kelley, Rognvaldur J. Sæmundsson and Thomas Schøtt. GERA/GEM (2010).
Also published as: Una Perspectiva Global Sobre la Educación y Formación
Emprendedora: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Report. GERA/GEM (2010).
Socialt og kommercielt iværksætteri i Region Syddanmark. CESFO rapport
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark, Center for Entrepreneurship and
Small Business Research) (2010).
Entrepreneurship in Europe and USA, European Studies Newsletter,
University of Pittsburgh, March 2008.
Fokus på globalt iværksætteri, by Thomas Schøtt, I. Elaine Allen, Niels Bosma and
Erkko Autio, Børsen 14.februar 2008, page 3.
Stigende ambitioner blandt danske iværksættere. DI Indsigt - Erhvervspolitisk Nyhedsbrev.
Nr 2, 22. januar 2008, pages 6-8
Iværksætteri i landområderne i Vejle Kommune.
(Syddansk Universitet: Kolding, 2007), CESFO Rapportserie nr XVIII, ISBN
Vejledning af iværksættere – Vejle Amt 2006. Del 2. Hvordan klarer de sig?.
[Advising entrepreneurs: Vejle County 2006. Part 2. How do they perform?].
(Syddansk Universitet: Kolding, 2007), CESFO Rapportserie nr XV, ISBN
Vejledning af iværksættere – Vejle Amt 2006. Del 1. Behovet for vejledning.
[Advising entrepreneurs: Vejle County 2006. Part 1: The need for advising].
(Syddansk Universitet: Kolding, 2007), CESFO Rapportserie nr XIII,
ISBN 978-87-91070-25-9
Iværksættere i det danske rådgivningssystem - en analyse af udbud og efterspørgsel efter
rådgivning, by Kim Klyver and Thomas Schøtt. CESFO Rapportserie nr. X, ISBN 87-91070-19-8.
(Kolding: University of Southern Denmark, Centre for Small business Research).
< > (2006). 65 pages.
Entrepreneurial activity in a country: index constructions. <
TEAnotat.doc (2005). 5 pages.
Evaluering af iværksætterkurser i Vejle Amt [Evaluation of entrepreneurship courses in
Vejle Country], by T.Schøtt and J.Christensen. Report to Vejle County (2005). 40 pages.
Evaluering af projektet ‘Sjælen skal med’ Det Sønderjyske Køkken, [Evaluation of the
project ’Bring the soul along’ for The South Jutland Kitchen], by L.Munk, K.Bergmann &
T.Schøtt. Report to South Jutland County (2005). 23 pages.
International Collegial Ties in Science: U.S. in Comparative Perspective.
Report to the National Science Foundation (1998). 234 pages.
Analysis of the Brazilian portfolio of investments in science and technology,
by T.Schøtt, J.Barroso, R.Berrios and A.Lopes. (Washington DC: The World Bank, 1996).
Videnskabelig forskning i Østeuropa [Scientific research in Eastern Europe].
Vindue mod Øst [Window Toward East], 36:14-16 (1996).
Dansk integration i forskningens globale landsby [Danish integration into the global village
of research]. Report by T.Schøtt, A.W.Schwarz, S.Bregning, H.Fugl. (U.of Pittsburgh, 1996).
Forskningens organisering ved Sydjysk Universitetscenter [Organization of research at
South Jutland University Center]. (University of Pittsburgh, 1996).
American participation in world science: cultivating Science in the National Interest.
Science, Knowledge and Technology, 8, 1:4-6 (1995).
Inventing environmental technology around the world. Environment, Technology, and
Society, 77:5 (1994).
Israel’s scientific performance. Near East Report, 37, 1:4 (1993).
The Scientific World System and the Centrality of U.S. Science. Report to the
National Science Foundation (1991). 121 pages.
Scientific research in Sweden: integration into Nordic, European, and American environments.
CERUM Working Paper CWP-1992:2. (1992). 54 pages.
A description of the mental health and supportive services networks for children and youth
in Onondaga and Orange counties, by J.P.Morrissey, M.L.Lindsey and T.Schøtt.
(Albany: NY State Office of Mental Health, Bureau of Survey Research). (1987). 33 pages.
Entrepreneurship and social networks, specifically structures, conditions and consequences of entrepreneurial networking.
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Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
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Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceeding › Kapitel i bog › Forskning › peer review
Klyver, K. (Chairman), Bager, T. (Taskforce medlem), Rind Christensen, P. (Taskforce medlem), Evald, M. R. (Program komite), Haug, A. (Taskforce medlem), Jebsen, S. (Taskforce medlem), Maresch, D. (Taskforce medlem), Nielsen, M. S. (Program komite), Nielsen, S. L. (Program komite), Piihl, J. (Taskforce medlem), Senderovitz, M. (Taskforce medlem), Storgaard, M. (Taskforce medlem), Wickstrøm, K. A. (Program komite), Schøtt, T. (Taskforce medlem), Raalskov, J. (Taskforce medlem), Rasmussen, J. S. (Taskforce medlem), Paust, S. (Taskforce medlem) & Korsgaard, S. (Program komite medlem)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhed › Organisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar eller lignende
Schøtt, T. (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Schøtt, T. (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Schøtt, T. (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Schøtt, T. (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Wickstrøm, K. A. (PI) & Schøtt, T. (PI)
01/07/2017 → 30/06/2019
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Schøtt, T. (PI)
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2018
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Schøtt, T. (PI)
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2017
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
1 element af Mediedækning
Wickstrøm, K. A. (Modtager) & Schøtt, T. (Modtager), 1. sep. 2019
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Jensen, K. W. (Modtager) & Schøtt, T. (Modtager), dec. 2016
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Schøtt, T. (Modtager), 2016
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser