Personlig profil


Claudio Pica, Ph.D.

Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), French (scholastic), Danish (basic)



2017/1 - Present CEO DeiC National HPC center, SDU
2013/1 - Present Head of Center, SDU eScience center
2010/02 - Present Professor, CP3-Origins & IMADA, SDU, DK
2013/11 - Present Member of the national DeIC eScience committee

2014/10 - 2016/10 Member of the national board of the Danish Physical Society
2012/03 - 2013/02 Board member of the Nordic WLCG (NLCG) Steering Committee, appointed by DASTI (Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation)
2008/10 - 2010/02 PostDoctoral R.A., University of Edinburgh, UK
2006/11 - 2008/10 Research Associate, Brookhaven National Lab, NY, USA 
2005/03 - 2006/11 INFN Research Fellow, INFN, Pisa, ITALY


Academic Degrees

2002/01 - 2005/12 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Pisa, ITALY
1996/09 - 2001/07 Laurea in Theoretical Physics 110/100 cum Laude, University of Pisa, ITALY
1996/09 - 2001/12 Diploma (M.Sc. equiv) in Physics 70/70 cum Laude, Scuola Normal Superiore, Pisa, ITALY (Earned and maintained a 4-year merit-based scholarship in the most prestigious institution of higher learning in Italy.)



Publication Summary

98 publications in international peer reviewed journals (43) and proceedings of international conferences (55). 10 TopCite 100+, 6 TopCite 50+ papers, over 2800 citations, h-index 29 according to Google Scholar. ~30 invited plenary talks/seminars at international meetings, physics schools and academic institutions. Reviewer for Physical Review D, European Physical Journal C, Physics Letters B and Physical Review Letters. Referee for the European PRACE organization, for access to the largest HPC facilities in Europe.



2018-2022   Danish PI for the European ITN ETN “EuroPLEx: European network for Particle physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing”. Grant: 4.000.000 eur

2013-2018   Lundbeckfonden fellow2012.Grant:10.000.000DKK(~1.340.000eur)

2016-2021  Outreachproject“Kvantebanditter”fundedbythe“A.P.MøllerogHustruChastineMc-KinneyMøllers”FoundationGrant: 4.000.000DKK(~537.000eur)

2016-2018  PIofthe nationale-infrastructureproject“National Science AppStore”funded DeIC(Danishe-InfratructureCooperation)andDEFF(Denmark’selectronicresearchlibrary).Grant:1.400.000DKK(~190.000eur)

2016-2021  PIoftheoutreachproject“QuantumRascals”fundedbythe“A.P.MøllerogHustruChastineMc-KinneyMøllers” Foundation. Grant:4.000.000DKK(~536.000 eur)

2015-2016   PIoftheoutreachproject“SDUSupercomputingChallenge”2016 and 2017 fundedbythe“A.P.MøllerogHustruChastineMc-Kinney Møllers” Foundation, Industriens Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Tuborg Fondet and the Otto Bruuns Fond.Grant:3.725.000DKK(~500.000eur)

2010-2015   PIofseveralEuropeanPRACEgrantsforHPC. Totalof Grants:36.8Mcore*hour (value ~500.000eur)

2013           Co-applicantfortherenewaloftheDGCentreofExcellence“CP3-Origins”(directorProf.F.Sannino).Grant: 40.000.000DKK (~5.300.000eur)

2013           PI for a DeIC grant for HPC hardware. Grant: 417.500 DKK (~56.000 eur)


Selected Outreach

  • KvanteBanditter, 2016-2021. Four years outreach project. Among other initiative, I co-designed the website which won the gold “Lovie Awards 2018” in the category “Schools & Education” as best European website.
  • SDU SuperComputing Challenge 2017. January-December 2017, second edition. 
  • “Supercomputers”, visit of the “akademiet for talentfulde unge” at SDU, 2016
  • “Supercomputing & eScience at SDU”, Inspire - Educate - Innovate! program at SDU, 2016
  • SDU SuperComputing Challenge 2016, August 2015-August 2016. Year-long event to challenge young students to solve real-world computational problems from private companies. The event was featured by local newspapers and television.
  • Natural Science Distiguished Lecture at the Faculty of Science SDU, April 2013.
  • Interviewed for the national newspaper “Berlingske” (Science section) (
  • One of the 2 main speakers of the public lecture series “High School Tour: Angels & Demons” (see for promoting high energy physics in high schools (March and April 2010)
  • Speaker at the “Art & Science 01” exhibition organized by the SDU Centre for Art and Science, and featured on the local TV2-Fyn (see


Organization of International Conferences and Workshops

  • Conference series “Origin of Mass” 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016 at SDU and in 2012 in Stockholm.
  • The 3rd, 4th 6th and 7th “Odense Winter School” series on Geometry and Theoretical Physics. Odense 2010-2014.
  • “European Twisted Mass Collaboration Meeting & Mini-workshop”, Odense 2014.
  • “Discovering Technicolor” workshop with the ATLAS and CMS collaboration. Odense 2010.
  • The “Mass 2011 LHC Training School” graduate school sponsored by NordForsk


  • Kvantefeltteori
  • Videnskabelige beregninger
  • Elementarpartikelfysik
  • Kvantemekanik
  • Quarks og gluoner


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  • N.K.Nielsen Fest

    Pica, C. (Arrangør)

    5. nov. 2011

    Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i konference

  • Sciencedagen 2011

    Pica, C. (Foredragsholder)

    10. okt. 2011

    Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed

  • Physical Review D (Tidsskrift)

    Pica, C. (Peer reviewer)

    12. aug. 2011

    Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelsePeer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripterForskning

  • Physical Review D (Tidsskrift)

    Pica, C. (Peer reviewer)

    2. aug. 2011

    Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelsePeer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripterForskning

  • Physical Review D (Tidsskrift)

    Pica, C. (Peer reviewer)

    2. jun. 2011

    Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelsePeer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripterForskning