Music on My Mind!- Cynthia M. Grund & William Westney

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Presenters: William Westney, HCA Academy Guest Professor, SDU;Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Piano and Browning Artist-in-Residence School of Music, Texas Tech University.
Cynthia M. Grund, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, SDU.

Part lecture, part dialog and part classical-music performance (both solo and duet), this presentation explores the dimensions of musical meaning on a variety of levels. The presenters bring parallel and interlocking backgrounds to their shared inquiry: one as a professional performer with philosophical interests, the other as a professional academic philosopher who is also an active classical musician. The topics dealt with in the presentation are central to the nature of the way in which the roll of music is thematized within the context of the course Media and Culture Studies, of which this presentation is a part.

Emneord: Music, culture, meaning
Periode7. okt. 2009
BegivenhedstitelMusic on My Mind!- Cynthia M. Grund & William Westney
ArrangørHost: Nikolaj Frydensbjerg Elf, Assistant Professor of Education, Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions, SDU
PlaceringKolding, DanmarkVis på kort


  • Music, culture, meaning